Battle Chips - Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White Version
Unleash your full potential in Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White Version by browsing through our complete list of Battle Chips, each accompanied by its current status. Whether you're after Program Advances, or Key Items, simply click on the links below and embark on a journey towards victory.
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White Version Lists
- Battle Chips
- Key Items
- Program Advances
Standard Chips
Cannon: 40 Attack; Cannon to attack 1 enemy.
HiCannon: 60 Attack; Cannon to attack 1 enemy.
M-Cannon: 60 Attack; Cannon to attack 1 enemy.
AirShot1: 20 Attack; Knocks enemy back 1.
AirShot2: 30 Attack; Knocks enemy back 1.
AirShot3: 40 Attack; Knocks enemy back 1.
LavaCan1: 90 Attack; Fires lava fr. area.
LavaCan2: 120 Attack; Fires lava fr. area.
LavaCan3: 150 Attack; Fires lava fr. area.
Volcano: 150 Attack; Fire lava from your area.
ShotGun: 30 Attack; Explodes 1 square behind.
V-Gun: 30 Attack; Explodes 2 diag. squares.
SideGun: 30 Attack; Explodes up, down on hit.
Spreader: 30 Attack; Creates a large explosion.
Bubbler: 60 Attack; Explodes 1 square behind.
Bub-V: 60 Attack; Explodes 2 diag. squares.
BublSide: 60 Attack; Explodes up, down on hit.
HeatShot: 40 Attack; Explodes 1 square behind.
Heat-V: 40 Attack; Explodes 2 diag. squares.
HeatSide: 40 Attack; Explodes up, down on hit.
MiniBomb: 50 Attack; Throws a bomb 3 squares.
SnglBomb: 50 Attack; Throws a big bomb 3 squares.
DublBomb: 50 Attack; Throws 2 big bombs 3 squares.
TrplBomb: 50 Attack; Throws 3 big bombs 3 squares.
CannBall: 160 Attack; Breaks 3rd panel ahead.
IceBall: 120 Attack; Freezes 3rd sqr. ahead.
LavaBall: 140 Attack; Shoot lava 3rd sq. ahead.
BlkBomb1: 120 Attack; Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead.
BlkBomb2: 170 Attack; Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead.
BlkBomb3: 220 Attack; Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead.
Sword: 80 Attack; Cuts enmy in front. Range: 1.
WideSwrd: 80 Attack; Cuts enmy in front. Range: 3.
LongSwrd: 80 Attack; Cuts enmy in front. Range: 2.
FireSwrd: 130 Attack; Cuts fwd 3 squares.
AquaSwrd: 150 Attack; Cuts fwd 3 squares.
ElecSwrd: 130 Attack; Cuts fwd 3 squares.
BambSwrd: 140 Attack; Cuts fwd 3 squares.
CustSwrd: Cust Gauge = Atk Str.
VarSwrd: 160 Attack; A magical shifting sword.
AirSwrd: 100 Attack; Wide swrd with air attack.
StepSwrd: 130 Attack; 2 steps, then uses wide swrd.
StepCros: 130 Attack; 2 steps, then uses cross atk.
Slasher: 240 Attack; Cut while A Button is held.
ShockWav: 60 Attack; Shock through enemies.
SonicWav: 80 Attack; Shock through enemies.
DynaWave: 100 Attack; Shock through enemies.
BigWave: 190 Attack; Shck wave cracks panels.
GutPunch: 80 Attack; Punch pushes 1 square.
GutStrgt: 100 Attack; Punch 2 square range.
GutImpct: 160 Attack; Punch pushes 1 square.
DashAtk: 90 Attack; Dash through enemies.
Burner: 130 Attack; Envelops you in flame.
Condor: 180 Attack; Chrge atk pierces enemies.
Burning: 150 Attack; Fire atk in cross shape.
ZapRing1: 20 Attack; Pralyzing electric ring atk.
ZapRing2: 40 Attack; Pralyzing electric ring atk.
ZapRing3: 60 Attack; Pralyzing electric ring atk.
IceWave1: 80 Attack; Creates a 2 sq wide ice wave.
IceWave2: 100 Attack; Creates a 2 sq wide ice wave.
IceWave3: 140 Attack; Creates a 2 sq wide ice wave.
Yo-Yo1: 40 Attack; 3-square yo-yo attack.
Yo-Yo2: 50 Attack; 3-square yo-yo attack.
Yo-Yo3: 60 Attack; 3-square yo-yo attack.
AirStrm1: 50 Attack; Creates 3 whrlwinds.
AirStrm2: 60 Attack; Creates 3 whrlwinds.
AirStrm3: 70 Attack; Creates 3 whrlwinds.
Arrow1: 100 Attack; Bee fly diagonal paths.
Arrow2: 130 Attack; Bee fly diagonal paths.
Arrow3: 160 Attack; Bee fly diagonal paths.
Ratton1: 80 Attack; Crawling rat, turns once.
Ratton2: 100 Attack; Crawling rat, turns once.
Ratton3: 120 Attack; Crawling rat, turns once.
FireRatn: 230 Attack; Activates when hit w/ fire.
Wave: 80 Attack; Creates a wave that moves 3sq.
RedWave: 90 Attack; Creates a 3sq wave of lava.
MudWave: 100 Attack; Mud wave advances 3 squares.
Tornado: 20 Attack; An 8-hit tornado 2 sq ahead.
Spice1: 80 Attack; Dangerous powder on all grass.
Spice2: 110 Attack; Dangerous powder on all grass.
Spice3: 140 Attack; Dangerous powder on all grass.
Shake1: 90 Attack; Vertical shaking 3sq ahead.
Shake2: 110 Attack; Vertical shaking 3sq ahead.
Shake3: 140 Attack; Vertical shaking 3sq ahead.
NoBeam1: 200 Attack; Fires if something behind.
NoBeam2: 260 Attack; Fires if something behind.
NoBeam3: 300 Attack; Fires if something behind.
Hammer: 100 Attack; Hammer smashes front.
Geyser: 200 Attack; Geyser 3 squares forward.
Rope1: 50 Attack; Entwines adjacent enemies.
Rope2: 70 Attack; Entwines adjacent enemies.
Rope3: 90 Attack; Entwines adjacent enemies.
Boomer1: 60 Attack; Boomerang encircles field.
Boomer2: 80 Attack; Boomerang encircles field.
Boomer3: 100 Attack; Boomerang encircles field.
PoisMask: Poison area w/ A Button.
PoisFace: Spread poison w/ A Button.
RockArm1: 100 Attack; Paralyzes enemy w/ erthquake.
RockArm2: 150 Attack; Paralyzes enemy w/ erthquake.
RockArm3: 200 Attack; Paralyzes enemy w/ erthquake.
CrsShld1: 160 Attack; Guard, and bite into the enemy.
CrsShld2: 210 Attack; Guard, and bite into the enemy.
CrsShld3: 260 Attack; Guard, and bite into the enemy.
Magnum1: 120 Attack; Cursor destroys panel.
Magnum2: 150 Attack; Cursor destroys panel.
Magnum3: 180 Attack; Cursor destroys panel.
Plasma1: 30 Attack; Launches electric attack.
Plasma2: 60 Attack; Launches electric attack.
Plasma3: 90 Attack; Launches electric attack.
RndmMetr: 100 Attack; Meteors smash enemies.
HoleMetr: 100 Attack; Meteors smash into sq.
ShotMetr: 100 Attack; Meteors shoot out forward.
Needler1: 30 Attack; Advance w/ A, stop to attack.
Needler2: 40 Attack; Advance w/ A, stop to attack.
Needler3: 50 Attack; Advance w/ A, stop to attack.
Totem1: 100 Attack; Creates a totem to blow fire.
Totem2: 140 Attack; Creates a totem to blow fire.
Totem3: 180 Attack; Creates a totem to blow fire.
Sensor1: 100 Attack; Sensor to watch sq ahead.
Sensor2: 130 Attack; Watch sq ahead or diagonal.
Sensor3: 130 Attack; Watch sq ahead or diagonal.
MetaGel1: 90 Attack; Gel atk steals a panel.
MetaGel2: 130 Attack; Gel atk steals a panel.
MetaGel3: 170 Attack; Gel atk steals a panel.
Pawn: 90 Attack; Attack by pressing A Button.
Knight: 150 Attack; Jumps fwd and attacks.
Rook: Protects you from attacks.
Team1: 10 Attack; Powers up when ally is hit.
Team2: Ally's HP recovered if hurt.
TimeBomb: 150 Attack; An area-wide time bomb.
Mine: 300 Attack; Places a mine in enmy area.
Lance: 130 Attack; Lances through back line.
Snake: 40 Attack; Snake from hole in area.
Guard: Repels enemy's attack.
PanlOut1: Destroys 1 panel in front.
PanlOut3: Destroys 3 panels in front.
PanlGrab: Steals 1 enemy square.
AreaGrab: Steals left edge from enmy.
GrabBack: 40 Attack; Retaliate stolen panels.
GrabRvng: 80 Attack; Retaliate stolen panels.
RockCube: Places a rock cube in front.
Prism: Prism fires randomly.
Wind: WindBox blows at enmy area.
Fan: Vacuum pulls enemies.
Fanfare: Take no dmg for a while.
Discord: Confuses enemies w/ music.
Timpani: Paralyzes enemies w/ music.
Recov10: Recovers 10HP.
Recov30: Recovers 30HP.
Recov50: Recovers 50HP.
Recov80: Recovers 80HP.
Recov120: Recovers 120HP.
Recov150: Recovers 150HP.
Recov200: Recovers 200HP.
Recov300: Recovers 300HP.
Repair: Fix your area's panels.
SloGauge: CustGauge slow down in battle.
FstGauge: CustGauge speeds up in battle.
Panic: Confuses enmies if you are.
Geddon1: Cracks all panels.
Geddon2: Breaks all empty squares.
Geddon3: Turns all panels to swamp.
CopyDmg: Duplicate damage on 2nd enemy.
Invis: Invisible for a while.
Shadow: Only swrd attacks hurt you.
Mole1: Attacks fr. under ground.
Mole2: Attacks fr. under ground.
Mole3: Attacks fr. under ground.
AirShoes: Can stand on empty squares.
Barrier: Nullifies 10HP of damage.
Barr100: Nullifies 100HP of damage.
Barr200: Nullifies 200HP of damage.
Aura: Repels attacks under 100.
NrthWind: Wind removes auras, etc.
Mettaur: Summons a Mettaur to fight.
Bunny: Summons a Bunny to fight.
Spikey: Summons a Spikey to fight.
Swordy: Summons a Swordy to fight.
Jelly: Summons a Jelly to fight.
Mushy: Summons a Mushy to fight.
Momogra: Summons a Momogra to fight.
KillrEye: Summons a KillerEye to fight.
Scuttlst: Summons a Scuttlest to fight.
Hole: Open hole to dark world.
HolyPanl: Creates a holy pnl in front.
LavaStge: Changes all panls to lava.
IceStage: Changes all panls to ice.
GrassStg: Changes all panls to grass.
SandStge: Changes all panls to sand.
MetlStge: Changes all panls to metal.
Snctuary: Changes own panls to holy.
AntiDmg: 100 Attack; Sets trap & throws stars.
AntiSwrd: 100 Attack; Retaliate for sword damage.
AntiNavi: Takes the enemy's Navi away.
AntiRecv: Punish recovery of HPs.
Atk+10: +10 for selected atk chip.
Fire+30: +30 for Fire atk chip.
Aqua+30: +30 for Aqua atk chip.
Elec+30: +30 for Elec atk chip.
Wood+30: +30 for Wood atk chip.
Navi+20: +20 for selected Navi chip.
Mega Chips
Muramasa: Power = amount of HP lost.
HeroSwrd: 180 Attacks; Legendary swrd cuts 3 sq.
ZeusHamr: 250 Attack; Damages anyone on a panel.
StandOut: 220 Attack; Send Fire into hole.
Salamndr: 300 Attack; Send Fire into hole.
WatrLine: 180 Attack; Draw water from hole.
Fountain: 240 Attack; Draw water from hole.
Ligtning: 160 Attack; Dmgs object & area.
Bolt: 210 Attack; Dmgs objects & area.
GaiaSwrd: 100 Attack; Take power frm next chip.
GaiaBlad: 100 Attack; Take power fr. next chip.
Meteors: 40 Attack; Drop many meteors on enemy.
Guardian: Statue punishes when hit.
Anubis: Anubis poisons enemies.
GodStone: 150 Attack; Summons a GodStone from hole.
OldWood: 100 Attack; Summons OldWood from hole.
Jealousy: 100 Attack; More dmg if enemy has chips.
Poltrgst: Objects thrown at enemies.
LifeAura: Repel all attacks under 200.
FullCust: CustGauge instantly refills.
Atk+30: +30 for selected atk chip.
Navi+40: +40 for selected Navi chip.
Roll: 20 Attack; Attack an enemy, heal you.
RollV2: 30 Attack; Attack an enemy, heal you.
RollV3: 40 Attack; Attack an enemy, heal you.
GutsMan: 50 Attack; Sneaks up to smash panels.
GutsManV2: 70 Attack; Sneaks up to smash panels.
GutsManV3: 90 Attacks; Sneaks up to smash panels.
GutsManV4: 100 Attack; Sneaks up to smash panels.
ProtoMan: 160 Attack; Moves in to slice the enemy.
ProtoMnV2: 180 Attack; Moves in to slice the enemy.
ProtoMnV3: 200 Attack; Moves in to slice the enemy.
ProtoMnV4: 220 Attack; Moves in to slice the enemy.
FlashMan: 50 Attack; Flash atk paralyzes enemy.
FlashMnV2: 70 Attack; Flash atk paralyzes enemy.
FlashMnV3: 90 Attack; Flash atk paralyzes enemy.
FlashMnV4: 120 Attack; Flash atk paralyzes enemy.
BeastMan: 40 Attack; Claw atk 3 squares ahead.
BeastMnV2: 50 Attack; Claw atk 3 squares ahead.
BeastMnV3: 60 Attack; Claw atk 3 squares ahead.
BeastMnV4: 70 Attack; Claw atk 3 squares ahead.
BubblMan: 20 Attack; Fires several AquaShots.
BubblMnV2: 20 Attack; Fires several AquaShots.
BubblMnV3: 20 Attack; Fires several AquaShots.
BubblMnV4: 20 Attack; Fires several AquaShots.
DesrtMan: 120 Attack; Launches fists at enemies.
DesrtMnV2: 140 Attack; Launches fists at enemies.
DesrtMnV3: 160 Attack; Launches fists at enemies.
DesrtMnV4: 180 Attack; Launches fists at enemies.
PlantMan: 20 Attack; Vines harm all enemies.
PlantMnV2: 30 Attack; Vines harm all enemies.
PlantMnV3: 40 Attack; Vines harm all enemies.
PlantMnV4: 50 Attack; Vines harm all enemies.
FlamMan: 120 Attack; Flames burn all enemies.
FlamManV2: 150 Attack; Flames burn all enemies.
FlamManV3: 180 Attack; Flames burn all enemies.
FlamManV4: 210 Attack; Flames burn all enemies.
DrillMan: 70 Attack; 3 drills fly at enemies.
DrillMnV2: 90 Attack; 3 drills fly at enemies.
DrillMnV3: 110 Attack; 3 drills fly at enemies.
DrillMnV4: 130 Attack; 3 drills fly at enemies.
MetalMan: 100 Attack; Iron fist smashes 1 square.
MetalMnV2: 130 Attack; Iron fist smashes 1 square.
MetalMnV3: 160 Attack; Iron fist smashes 1 square.
MetalMnV4: 190 Attack; Iron fist smashes 1 square.
KingMan: 140 Attack; Move up 3 square & 4-way hit.
KingManV2: 170 Attack; Move up 3 square & 4-way hit.
KingManV3: 200 Attack; Move up 3 square & 4-way hit.
KingManV4: 240 Attack; Move up 3 square & 4-way hit.
MistMan: 90 Attack; Appears from mist & attacks.
MistManV2: 110 Attack; Appears from mist & attacks.
MistManV3: 130 Attack; Appears from mist & attacks.
MistManV4: 150 Attack; Appears from mist & attacks.
BowlMan: 100 Attack; Lines up pins for a strike.
BowlManV2: 120 Attack; Lines up pins for a strike.
BowlManV3: 140 Attack; Lines up pins for a strike.
BowlManV4: 160 Attack; Lines up pins for a strike.
DarkMan: 30 Attack; Creates 3 caves in enmy area.
DarkManV2: 30 Attack; Creates 3 caves in enmy area.
DarkManV3: 30 Attack; Creates 3 caves in enmy area.
DarkManV4: 30 Attack; Creates 3 caves in enmy area.
JapanMan: 40 Attack; Multiple attacks w/ spear.
JapanMnV2: 45 Attack; Multiple attacks w/ spear.
JapanMnV3: 50 Attack; Multiple attacks w/ spear.
JapanMnV4: 55 Attack; Multiple attacks w/ spear.
Punk: 180 Attack; Spins and smashes enemies.
Giga Chips
FoldrBak: Restores all chips and folders.
NavRcycl: Recalls last Navi used.
Bass+: 550 Attack; Dark chip smashes panels.
Bass: 90 Attack; Dark chip explodes for 3 sq.
BassGS: 700 Attack; Bass' secret weapon.
DarkAura: Dark chip repels less than 300 atks.
Serenade: 100 Attack; Dark chip Holy pwr to front.
DeltaRay: 220 Attack; Use A btn for up to 3 attacks.
Balance: Both HP reduced by half.
AlphArmΩ: 500 Attack; Launches a giant rocket.
AlphArmΣ: 50 Attack; 3-stage electric attack.
GutsManV5: 120 Attack; Sneaks up to smash panels.
ProtoMnV5: 240 Attack; Moves in to slice the enemy.
FlashMnV5: 150 Attack; Flash atk paralyzes enemy.
BeastMnV5: 80 Attack; Claw atk 3 squares ahead.
BubblMnV5: 20 Attack; Fires several AquaShots.
DesrtMnV5: 210 Attack; Launches fists at enemies.
PlantMnV5: 60 Attack; Vines harm all enemies.
FlamManV5: 240 Attack; Flames burn all enemies.
DrillMnV5: 150 Attack; 3 drills fly at enemies.
MetalMnV5: 250 Attack; Iron first smashes 1 square.
KingManV5: 280 Attack; Move up 3 square and 4-way hit.
MistManV5: 170 Attack; Appears from mist and attacks.
BowlManV5: 180 Attack; Line up pins for a strike.
DarkManV5: 30 Attack; Creates 3 caves in enmy area.
JapanMnV5: 60 Attack; Multiple attacks w/ spear.
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