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Battle Chips - Mega Man Battle Network 2

Unleash your full potential in Mega Man Battle Network 2 by browsing through our complete list of Battle Chips, each accompanied by its current status. Whether you're after Program Advances, or Items, simply click on the links below and embark on a journey towards victory.


Mega Man Battle Network 2 Lists
- Battle Chips
- Items
- Program Advances


Cannon: 40 Attack; Cannon for attacking 1 enemy.

HiCannon: 60 Attack; Cannon for attacking 1 enemy.

M-Cannon: 80 Attack; Cannon for attacking 1 enemy.

Shotgun: 30 Attack; Explodes 1 square behind.

V-Gun: 30 Attack; Explodes 2 diagonal squares.

CrossGun: 30 Attack; Explodes 4 diagonal squares.

Spreader: 30 Attack; C40 creates a large explosion.

Bubbler: Water element, 40 Attack; Explodes 1 square behind.

Bub-V: Water element, 40 Attack; Explodes 2 diagonal squares.

BubCross: Water element, 40 Attack; Explodes 4 diagonal squares.

BubSprd: Water element, 40 Attack; Creates a large explosion.

HeatShot: Fire element, 50 Attack; Explodes 1 square behind.

Heat-V: Fire element, 50 Attack; Explodes 2 diagonal squares.

HeatCros: Fire element, 50 Attack; Explodes 4 diagonal squares.

HeatSprd: Fire element, 50 Attack; Creates a large explosion.

MiniBomb: 50 Attack; Throws a bomb 3 squares.

LilBomb: 50 Attack; Bomb that explodes vertically.

CrosBomb: 60 Attack; Bomb that explodes in a cross.

BigBomb: 70 Attack; Bomb with a 9-square explosion.

TreeBom1: Wood element, 100 Attack; Tree seed. Water for a PowerUp.

TreeBom2: Wood element, 120 Attack; Tree seed. Water for a PowerUp.

TreeBom3: Wood element, 150 Attack; Tree seed. Water for a PowerUp.

Sword: 80 Attack; Cut enemy in front. Range is 1.

WideSwrd: 80 Attack; Cut enemy in front. Range is 3.

LongSwrd: 80 Attack; Cut enemy in front. Range is 2.

FireSwrd: Fire element, 100 Attack; Flame sword cuts 3 vertical.

AquaSwrd: Water element, 100 Attack; Water sword cuts 3 vertical.

ElecSwrd: Electricity element, 100 Attack; Electric sword cuts 3 vertical.

FireBlde: Fire element, 90 Attack; Flame sword cuts 2 horiz.

AquaBlde: Water element, 90 Attack; Water sword cuts 2 horiz.

ElecBlde: Electricity element, 90 Attack; Electric sword cuts 2 horiz.

StepSwrd: 150 Attack; Two steps, then use a wide sword.

Kunai1: 40 Attack; Kunai's up and down 1 square.

Kunai2: 40 Attack; Kunai's up and down 2 square.

Kunai3: 40 Attack; Kunai's up and down 3 square.

CustSwrd: Cust Gauge = Attack Strength.

Muramasa: Sword that uses HP to attack.

VarSwrd: 160 Attack; A magical, shifting sword.

Slasher: 180 Attack; Cuts while A Button is held.

Shockwav: 40 Attack; Shock goes through enemies.

Sonicwav: 60 Attack; Shock goes through enemies.

Dynawave: 90 Attack; Shock goes through enemies.

Quake1: 90 Attack; Attack cracks the floor.

Quake2: 110 Attack; Attack cracks the floor.

Quake3: 130 Attack; Attack cracks the floor.

GutPunch: 70 Attack; Punch that pushes 1 square.

ColdPunch: 70 Attack; Ice punch pushes 1 square.

DashAtk: 90 Attack; Dash right through enemies.

Wrecker: 80 Attack; Can break 3rd square ahead.

CanBall: 150 Attack; Can break 3rd square ahead.

DoubNdl: 50 Attack; 2 volleys of needles.

TripNdl: 50 Attack; 3 volleys of needles.

QuadNdl: 50 Attack; 4 volleys of needles.

Trident: 60 Attack; 3 volleys of spears.

Ratton1: 70 Attack; A crawling rat that turns once.

Ratton2: 80 Attack; A crawling rat that turns once.

Ratton3: 90 Attack; A crawling rat that turns once.

FireRat: 200 Attack; Amazing when lit with fire.

Tornado: 20 Attack; 8-hit tornado 2 ahead.

Twister: Wood element, 20 Attack; 8-hit tornado 2 ahead.

Blower: Fire element, 20 Attack; 8-hit tornado 2 ahead.

Burner: Fire element, 150 Attack; Envelopes you with flames.

ZapRing1: Electricity element, 20 Attack; Paralyzing electric rings.

ZapRing2: Electricity element, 30 Attack; Paralyzing electric rings.

ZapRing3: Electricity element, 40 Attack; Paralyzing electric rings.

Satelit1: Electricity element, 60 Attack; A floating & spinning satellite.

Satelit2: Electricity element, 80 Attack; A floating & spinning satellite.

Satelit3: Electricity element, 100 Attack; A floating & spinning satellite.

Spice1: Wood element, 100 Attack; Unhealthy powder on all grass.

Spice2: Wood element, 120 Attack; Unhealthy powder on all grass.

Spice3: Wood element, 140 Attack; Unhealthy powder on all grass.

MagBomb1: Electricity element, 80 Attack; Stops the enemy in its tracks.

MagBomb2: Electricity element, 110 Attack; Stops the enemy in its tracks.

MagBomb3: Electricity element, 120 Attack; Stops the enemy in its tracks.

Yo-Yo1: 40 Attack; A 3-square yo-yo attack.

Yo-Yo1: 50 Attack; A 3-square yo-yo attack.

Yo-Yo1: 60 Attack; A 3-square yo-yo attack.

CrsShld1: 130 Attack; Guard then bite into the enemy.

CrsShld2: 170 Attack; Guard then bite into the enemy.

CrsShld3: 210 Attack; Guard then bite into the enemy.

Hammer: 100 Attack; Hammer for smashing things.

ZeusHamr: 200 Attack; Damage all if panel.

Lance: Wood element, 90 Attack; A lance through back line.

BrnzFist: 100 Attack; Fist of death.

SilvFist: 140 Attack; Fist of death.

GoldFist: 180 Attack; Fist of death.

PoisMask: Poison 1 panel with A Button.

PoisFace: Spread poison w/ A Button.

Whirlpl: Whirlpool kills weak enemies.

Blckhole: Black hole kills weak enemies.

Meteor9: Fire element, 60 Attack; Magic wand shoots 9 meteors.

Meteor12: Fire element, 80 Attack; Magic wand shoots 12 meteors.

Meteor15: Fire element, 100 Attack; Magic wand shoots 15 meteors.

Meteor18: Fire element, 150 Attack; Magic wand shoots 18 meteors.

TimeBom1: 70 Attack; An area-wide time bomb.

TimeBom2: 120 Attack; An area-wide time bomb.

TimeBom3: 200 Attack; An area-wide time bomb.

LilCloud: Water element, 70 Attack; Rain cloud goes back and forth.

MedCloud: Water element, 90 Attack; Rain cloud goes back and forth.

BigCloud: Water element, 220 Attack; Rain cloud goes back and forth.

Mine: 300 Attack; Place mine in enemy area.

FrntSnsr: 100 Attack; Automatic dynamite device.

DblSnsr: 100 Attack; Diagonal dynamite device.

Remobit1: Electricity element, 80 Attack; Generates remobit in enemy area.

Remobit2: Electricity element, 80 Attack; Generates remobit in enemy area.

Remobit3: Electricity element, 80 Attack; Generates remobit in enemy area.

AquaBall: Water element, 10 Attack; Pops when it hits something.

ElecBall: Electricity element, 10 Attack; Pops when it hits something.

HeatBall: Fire element, 10 Attack; Pops when it hits something.

Geyser: Water element, 200 Attack; Geyser if there is no panel.

LavaDrag: Fire element, 200 Attack; Summons a nasty lava dragon.

GodStone: 150 Attack; Summons a God Stone.

OldWood: Wood element, 100 Attack; Summons Old Wood.

Guard: Repel the enemy's attack.

PanlOut: Destroy 1 panel in front.

PanlOut3: Destroy 3 panels in front.

LineOut: Fire element, 40 Attack; Destroy 1 line of panels.

Catcher: Sends UFO to steal a chip.

Mindbndr: Enemy loses control.

Recov10: Recovers 10HP.

Recov30: Recovers 30HP.

Recov50: Recovers 50HP.

Recov80: Recovers 80HP.

Recov120: Recovers 120HP.

Recov150: Recovers 150HP.

Recov200: Recovers 200HP.

Recov300: Recovers 300HP.

PanlGrab: Steals 1 enemy square.

AreaGrab: Steals left edge from enemy.

GrabRbng: Punishes for stolen panels.

Geddon1: Cracks all panels.

Geddon2: Breaks all empty squares.

Geddon3: Turns all panels to swamp.

Escape: Escapes from some enemies.

AirShoes: Stand on empty square.

Repair: Fixes your side's panels.

Candle1: Places a healing candle.

Candle2: Places a healing candle.

Candle3: Places a healing candle.

RockCube: Places a stone cube in front.

Prism: Shoots all over after it hits.

Guardian: Statue punishes when hit.

Wind: WindBox blows at enemy area.

Fan: VacuumFan sucks from enemy area.

Anubis: Anubis poisons enemy area.

SloGauge: Cust Gauge slows down for battle.

FstGauge: Cust Gauge speeds up for battle.

FullCust: Cust Gauge is always full.

Invis1: Invisible for a while.

Invis2: Invisible for a while.

Invis3: Invisible for a while.

DropDown: Invisible until you attack.

PopUp: Invisible except for attack.

StoneBod: Stone body takes only 1HP damage.

Shadow1: Only sword attacks hurt you.

Shadow2: Only sword attacks hurt you.

Shadow3: Only sword attacks hurt you.

UnderSht: Lethal hit reduced to just 1HP.

Barrier: Nullify damage one time.

BblWrap: Water element; Water barrier reforms.

LeafShld: Wood element; Next attack heals you.

AquaAura: Water element; Repels attacks under 10.

FireAura: Fire element; Repels attacks under 40.

WoodAura: Wood element; Repels attacks under 80.

ElecAura: Electricity element; Repels non wd attacks under 100.

LifeAur1: Repels all attacks under 100.

LifeAur2: Repels all attacks under 150.

LifeAur3: Repels all attacks under 200.

MagLine: Changes your line to magnet.

LavaLine: Changes your line to lava.

IceLine: Changes your line to ice.

GrassStg: Changes all panels to grass.

HolyPanl: Makes all panels holy.

Jealosy: More chips means more damage.

AntiFire: Fire element, 200 Attack; Punishes enemy for using fire.

AntiElec: Electricity element, 200 Attack; Punishes enemy for using elec.

AntiWatr: Water element, 200 Attack; Punishes enemy for using aqua.

AntiDmg: 100 Attack; Fake pain and throw shurikens.

AntiSwrd: 100 Attack; Punishes use of swords.

AntiNavi: Take the enemy's Navi away.

AntiRecv: Punish the recovery of HPs.

Atk+10: +10 to selected AtkChip.

Atk+20: +20 to selected AtkChip.

Atk+30: +30 to selected AtkChip.

Fire+40: Adds 40 to Fire AttackChip.

Aqua+40: Adds 40 to Aqua AttackChip.

Wood+40: Adds 40 to Wood AttackChip.

Elec+40: Adds 40 to Elec AttackChip.

Navi+20: +20 to selected NaviChip.

Navi+40: +40 to selected NaviChip.

Roll: 60 Attack; Attacks 1 enemy then heals you.

RollV2: 80 Attack; Attacks 1 enemy then heals you.

RollV3: 100 Attack; Attacks 1 enemy then heals you.

GutsMan: 50 Attack; Creeps and smashes panels.

GutsManV2: 70 Attack; Creeps and smashes panels.

GutsManV3: 90 Attack; Creeps and smashes panels.

PhotoMan: 120 Attack; Swings sword at enemy face.

PhotoMnV2: 160 Attack; Swings sword at enemy face.

PhotoMnV3: 160 Attack; Swings sword at enemy face.

AirMan: 40 Attack; Shoots air twisters in a line.

AirManV2: 70 Attack; Shoots air twisters in a line.

AirManV3: 100 Attack; Shoots air twisters in a line.

QuickMan: 50 Attack; Boomerang attacks whole row.

QuickMnV2: 70 Attack; Boomerang attacks whole row.

QuickMnV3: 100 Attack; Boomerang attacks whole row.

CutMan: 150 Attack; Scissor attacks one square.

CutManV2: 200 Attack; Scissor attacks one square.

CutManV3: 300 Attack; Scissor attacks one square.

ShadoMan: 60 Attack; Splits and shoots 3 shurikens.

ShadoMnV2: 70 Attack; Splits and shoots 3 shurikens.

ShadoMnV3: 80 Attack; Splits and shoots 3 shurikens.

KnightMn: 160 Attack; Smashes enemies in circle.

KnghtMnV2: 210 Attack; Smashes enemies in circle.

KnghtMnV3: 260 Attack; Smashes enemies in circle.

MagnetMn: Electricity element, 130 Attack; Bipolar tackle on 1 enemy.

MagntMnV2: Electricity element, 140 Attack; Bipolar tackle on 1 enemy.

MagntMnV3: Electricity element, 150 Attack; Bipolar tackle on 1 enemy.

FreezeMn: Water element, 50 Attack; Rains icicles on enemies.

FrzManV2: Water element, 60 Attack; Rains icicles on enemies.

FrzManV3: Water element, 70 Attack; Rains icicles on enemies.

HeatMan: Fire element, 100 Attack; Flame attack. Range is 3.

HeatManV2: Fire element, 130 Attack; Flame attack. Range is 3.

HeatManV3: Fire element, 160 Attack; Flame attack. Range is 3.

ToadMan: Electricity element, 100 Attack; Shocking melody paralyzes.

ToadManV2: Electricity element, 140 Attack; Shocking melody paralyzes.

ToadManV3: Electricity element, 180 Attack; Shocking melody paralyzes.

ThunMan: Electricity element, 80 Attack; Thunder attack 3rd line.

ThunManV2: Electricity element, 130 Attack; Thunder attack 3rd line.

ThunManV3: Electricity element, 180 Attack; Thunder attack 3rd line.

SnakeMan: Wood element, 30 Attack; Main attack and snakes.

SnakeMnV2: Wood element, 40 Attack; Main attack and snakes.

SnakeMnV3: Wood element, 50 Attack; Main attack and snakes.

GateMan: 40 Attack; 3 soldiers charge forward.

GateManV2: 40 Attack; 4 soldiers charge forward.

GateManV3: 40 Attack; 5 soldiers charge forward.

PharoMan: 240 Attack; Laser-shooting coffin etc.

PharoMnV2: 270 Attack; Laser-shooting coffin etc.

PharoMnV3: 300 Attack; Laser-shooting coffin etc.

NapalmMn: Fire element, 220 Attack; Bombs that even break panels.

NaplmMnV2: Fire element, 240 Attack; Bombs that even break panels.

NaplmMnV3: Fire element, 260 Attack; Bombs that even break panels.

PlanetMn: Wood element, 70 Attack; Planet smashes 1 enemy.

PlanetMnV2: Wood element, 70 Attack; Planet smashes 1 enemy.

PlanetMnV3: Wood element, 90 Attack; Planet smashes 1 enemy.

Bass: 50 Attack; Air-burst attack on all lines.

BassV2: 60 Attack; Air-burst attack on all lines.

BassV3: 70 Attack; Air-burst attack on all lines.

BgRedWav: Fire element, 220 Attack; Heat chip Creates a lava wave.

FreezBom: Fire element, 180 Attack; Aqua chip Tosses ice bomb.

Sparker: Electricity element, 100 Attack; Elec chip A button to spark.

GaiaSwrd: Wood element, 200 Attack; Wood chip Steals atk from chip.

BlkBomb: Fire element, 200 Attack; Exploding firebomb attack.

FtrSword: 100 Attack; Normal sword. 3 spaces fwd.

KngthSwrd: 150 Attack; Normal sword. 3 spaces fwd.

HeroSwrd: 200 Attack; Normal sword. 3 spaces fwd.

Meteors: Fire element, 150 Attack; Shooting stars shot at enemy.

Poltrgst: Items are thrown at the enemy.



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