Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu CodeBreaker Codes (USA)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head on over to my Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu (USA) Gameshark Codes and check for your code there instead!
Enable Code (Must Be On)
000092A5 000A
1014D286 0007
(Master Codes) Must Be On: 9FA6635C9921
(PLayer 1) Always Max Power: 330035C5 0060
Have 10,000,000 Z Points: 5026D2AE0724
(PLayer 1) Unlimited Health: 330035C6 0029
Unlimited Time: 33004F8E 0000
(Player 1) Unlimited Time Health: 96332C54B95F
(Player 1) Unlimited Time Power: 711EF3EB6602
(Player 1) No Power: 941E2BC5984F
(Player 2) Unlimited Time Health: 3C1F2B95A05B
(Player 2) Unlimited Time Power: DB32F42A7F06
(Player 2) No Power: 3E322C04814B
Unlock All Bios: C375637FA90B
Unlock All Fighters: E5F1E510F8B3
Unlock All Fighters: 83000A5C FFFF
Unlock All Images: 6274737B1506
Unlock All Modes: C675F34D2F02
Unlock All Settings: C27175FF2C02
Unlock All Songs: C37065EFA80B
Player 2) Press Select For 1 Hit Kill
D0000020 0004
330037F2 0001
Unlimited Time Z Points In Store
830001BC 967F
830001BE 0098
(Player 1) Max/Unlimited Z Points
8300356C 423F
8300356E 000F