Disney Princess Codebreaker Codes (USA)
This page contains Codebreaker cheat codes for Disney Princess (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Codebreaker device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Enable Code (Must Be On)
00006AE6 000A
100020F6 0007
999 Coins: 83001856 03E7
Ariel-Have All Keys: 1B8133390912
Aurora-All Fairies Saved: 8C5DD8C26DD8
Belle-All Friends Found: 4B913AA909E2
Belle-Have All Keys: 3B8137391903
Belle-Unlimited Snowballs: BA9317495D01
Belle-Unlimited Time: 86BF6380C57E
Unlimited Ammo: 33001892 0005
Unlimited Health: BE9717405D41
Unlimited Health: 3300189A 0005
Max Coins: C880339F0A28
Snow White-Infinite Axes: 32A107799525
Unlock All Levels
Snow White-Have All Gems
Have Gems
33001880 0003
33001888 0007
Have All Treasures
430017E0 FFFF
00000003 0002
Have All Treasures
Have All Chapters
83001874 FFFF
33001876 00FF
Aurora-Unlimited Potions
999 Coins All Chapters
43001858 03E7
0000000C 0002