DemiKids: Dark Version - Fusion Result CodeBreaker Codes (USA)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for DemiKids: Dark Version (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head on over to my DemiKids: Dark Version (USA) CodeBreaker Codes and check for your code there instead!
Max Stats
73001318 0001
00000007 0001
Monster Modifier
73001318 0001
83007DDE ????
Max Hp and Mp
73001318 0001
43007DF2 03e7
00000004 0002
Max Stats
73001318 0001
43007DFa ffff
00000007 0001
Monster Mod
73001318 0001
83007DDE ????
Use the Digit Values below on the Monster Mod code.
Fusion Modifier Digit Value
000 - Ne?
001 - Gef
002 - Kem
003 - Phoeni?
004 - Bibisana
005 - Vrtra
006 - Indra
007 - Kali
008 - Fenrir
009 - Abaddon
00a - Frezberg
00b - Paimon
00c - Sphin?
00d - Belial
00e - Raphael
00f - Uriel
010 - Lucifer
011 - Michael
012 - Starhair
013 - Verrito
014 - Phegor
015 - Zebul
016 - Paramese
017 - Mecci
018 - Korbacle
019 - Agathion
01a - Fairy
01b - Kobold
01c - Valkyrie
01d - Nezhog
01e - Amphius
01f - Morton
020 - Airavata
021 - Kai
022 - Scylla
023 - Nesha
024 - Karon
025 - Helldogs
026 - Odin
027 - Gilgamis
028 - Two-Tail
029 - Dark Imp
02a - War Lion
02b - Tik Tok
02c - Arachnia
02d - Anubis
02e - Isis
02f - Talon
030 - Nue
031 - Rahab
032 - Mammon
033 - Astar
034 - Boltar
035 - Scatha
036 - Krak
037 - Gnome
038 - Pi?y
039 - Yeti
03a - Humba
03b - Thumurai
03c - Talos
03d - Golem
03e - Sylph
03f - Skeltos
040 - Bifrius
041 - Goku
042 - Groid
043 - Dwarf
044 - Mummy
045 - Witch
046 - Ogre
047 - Hekaton
048 - Mekra
049 - Thundar
04a - Hooty
04b - Krane
04c - Catclaw
04d - Seth
04e - Unicorn
04f - Redwing
050 - Dredogs
051 - Shogun
052 - Horus
053 - Pegasus
054 - Ra
055 - Leogard
056 - Suzak
057 - Byako
058 - Solarius
059 - Quetza
05a - Barone
05b - Garuda
05c - Gembu
05d - Ishtar
05e - Rhanda
05f - Hades
060 - Kyra
061 - Vishnu
062 - Shiva
063 - Chefros
064 - Cupid
065 - Nikare
066 - Angel
067 - Temptina
068 - Prince
069 - Power
06a - Virtue
06b - Shadomas
06c - Dominion
06d - Ironhoof
06e - Cherubim
06f - Seraphim
070 - Guardian
071 - Dredalus
072 - Mini Icy
073 - Windfrag
074 - Garum
075 - Ice Baby
076 - Midion
077 - J. Frost
078 - Icyberry
079 - Iceymelon
07a - Punkin
07b - Razor
07c - Ice maid
07d - Icelemon
07e - Orthros
07f - Icy Ace
080 - Icy Trio
081 - King Icy
082 - Harpy
083 - Mandrake
084 - Jimna
085 - Karfu
086 - Konton
087 - Siren
088 - Tork
089 - Goblin
08a - Dagon
08b - Tsunami
08c - Makara
08d - Sizzard
08e - Neptina
08f - Basilisk
090 - Kokatris
091 - Orochi
092 - Trinos
093 - Necrodon
094 - Hydron
095 - Tiamat
096 - Seryu
097 - Octore?
098 - Lindwurm
099 - Kaleidos
09a - Urboros
09b - Armasnak
09c - Firetung
09d - Shepp
09e - Caitsith
09f - Slumber
0a0 - Elphine
0a1 - Undine
0a2 - Pilo?
0a3 - Demipyre
0a4 - Phantom
0a5 - Vampire
0a6 - Inkubus
0a7 - Baku
0a8 - Hanuman
0a9 - Succubus
0aa - Banshee
0ab - Seaboz
0ac - Artimis
0ad - Mokoy
0ae - War Crow
0af - Dullahan
0b0 - Nitemare
0b1 - Kyuki
0b2 - Namtar
0b3 - Ankuu
0b4 - Ro?
0b5 - Arch Ro?
0b6 - Dred Ro?
0b7 - Wing Ro?
0b8 - Mega Ro?
0b9 - Giga Ro?
0ba - War Ro?
0bb - Doom Ro?
0bc - Sol Cat
0bd - Rune Cat
0be - Kaos Cat
0bf - Mega Cat
0c0 - Luna Cat
0c1 - Pyro Cat
0c2 - Dred Cat
0c3 - Doom Cat
0c4 - Lich
0c5 - Mermaid
0c6 - Wartak
0c7 - Marduk
0c8 - Osiris
0c9 - Minotaur
0ca - Gargoyle
0cb - Hydra
0cc - Arakneus
0cd - Aminoz
0ce - Lord Ton
0cf - Lord Nan
0d0 - Lord Sha
0d1 - Lord Pey
0d2 - Dydra
0d3 - Skare
0d4 - Shudozi
0d5 - Saggath
0d6 - Harkai
0d7 - Boltbird
0d8 - Shoklam
0d9 - Pyrosia
0da - Bearlord
0db - Bushido
0dc - Warbolt
0dd - Tamlin
0de - Tupon
0df - Boldar
0e0 - Zypher
0e1 - Loki
0e2 - Thor
0e3 - Oberon
0e4 - Dwelgar
0e5 - Berzerk
0e6 - Roog
0e7 - Windlord
0e8 - Scout
0e9 - Erdin
0ea - Morrigan
0eb - DoomBorg
0ec - Whiskers
0ed - Ocelot
0ee - Teskarot
0ef - Mokele
0f0 - Leprak
0f1 - Clotho
0f2 - Atropos
0f3 - Lachesis
0f4 - Cyclops
0f5 - Centaur
0f6 - Poseidon
0f7 - Nemesis
0f8 - Pandora
0f9 - Aries
0fa - Asmodeus
0fb - Gemini
0fc - Cancer
0fd - Leo
0fe - virgo
0ff - Libr
100 - Scorpio
101 - Irontaur
102 - Sea Ram
103 - Aquarios
104 - Mariner
105 - Skyfish
106 - Laksmi
107 - Earthlok
108 - Airlok
109 - Aqualok
10a - Flarlok
10b - Nemea
10c - Gembuzom
10d - Byakozom
10e - Seryuzom
10f - Suzakzom
110 - Krakzom
111 - Dagonzom
112 - Amonzom
113 - Amon
114 - Azelzom
115 - Brutzom
116 - Agni
117 - Kibra
118 - Tior
119 - Lusarka
11a - Kresnik
11b - Bloodbat
11c - Vorgia
11d - Apsaras
11e - Ludra
11f - Batos
120 - Mad Hat
121 - Lamia
122 - Ares
123 - Argos
124 - Bounty
125 - Evil Eye
126 - Surt
127 - Jormung
128 - Slepnir
129 - Boltrift
12a - Chot
12b - Speedy
12c - Vomana
12d - Puritus
12e - Pathlite
12f - Musle??
130 - Haurvata
131 - Amurtert
132 - Bulma?
133 - Wyregg
134 - Akerr
135 - Pazu
136 - Mermount
137 - Ikonda
138 - Azel
139 - Roksaur
13a - Windhook
13b - Bludkap
13c - Iceraith
13d - Lava Rat
13e - Brute
13f - Brahmana
140 - Gogra
141 - Silgra
142 - Firemare
143 - Windmare
144 - Coperia
145 - Warseal
146 - Windling
147 - Raykon
148 - Kesra
149 - Pazuzom
14a - Lamiazom
14b - Argozom
14c - Batozom
14d - Neshazom
14e - Surtzom
14f - Nemeazom
150 - Mekrazom
151 - Nuezom
152 - Astarzom
153 - Humbazom
154 - Norn
155 - Urd
156 - Verdandi
157 - Skuld
158 - Forlo
159 - Nergul
15a - Glasyabo
15b - Andromus
15c - Harborim
15d - Crosel
15e - Ozemos
15f - Grimlee
160 - Bifronz
161 - Kyme
162 - Grevir
163 - Kanos
164 - Empio
165 - Empra
166 - Seipher
167 - Seipher
168 - Seipher
169 - Seipher
16a - Quazir
16b - Quazir
16c - Quazir
16d - Quazir
16e - Solron
16f - Blazron
170 - Dark Cat
171 - Ogre Cat
172 - Dummy
173 - Dummy
174 - Lucifroz
175 - Meta Ne?
176 - Neo Ne?
177 - King Ne?
178 - Dephin?
179 - Helphin?
17a - Neuphin?
17b - Meta Gef
17c - Neo Gef
17d - King Gef
17e - Meta Kem
17f - Neo Kem
180 - King Kem
181 - Deni?
182 - Helni?
183 - Neoni?
184 - Bul
185 - Guy
186 - Seipher
187 - Seipher
188 - Quazir
189 - Quazir
18a - Spare
18b - Spare
18c - Spare
18d - Spare
18e - Spare
18f - Spare
190 - Fenrir
191 - Paramese
192 - Mecci
193 - Two-Tail
194 - Pi?y
195 - Unicorn
196 - Shadomas
197 - Dominion
198 - Guardian
199 - Dullahan
19a - Orochi
19b - Cherubim
19c - Mermaid
19d - Kresnik
19e - Slepnir