Breath of Fire Walkthrough - Chapter 6
As I said in the previous chapter, our next destination is the town of Scande which we'll have to use Nina's bird transformation to reach. The fastest way here is to use Nina and Warp to Carmen - from here you'll want to fly southeast to reach Scande. This town is found in the swamp land area of the World Map and it's almost entirely surrounded by mountains (pictured below).
If you're having trouble locating it, the best directions I can give you are to fly south of Carmen until you reach the coastline then follow that east until you reach the inland. From here you'll want to turn south again and keep flying until you reach Scande. I recommend not going too far inland when you fly east because you'll miss Scande if you do. A good rule of thumb is if you're flying south and you see mountains, check the western side of them for Scande.
When you enter Scande you'll be greeted by some guards who won't let you pass them unless you have the Pass item. If you've been following my guide you already got that item from talking to the cloaked figure in Carmen, if not go there and talk to him then search the ground below where he was standing - once you have it come back.
For now the only thing that you have to do in Scande is examine the control panel next to the elevator. You'll learn that the parts are not in the right place, to fix this we will need to travel to Spring and get some parts. The house below the Inn will have the man we need to talk to inside of it. When you talk to him you'll get the B.Part item, now that we have the broken parts it's time to get them fixed!
Leave Spring and Warp to Gant. Remember the blacksmith we used to repair our boomerang earlier in the game? Visit his building the northern part of town; head upstairs and talk to the old lady in his room to wake him up. You'll get the Parts from him which lets us access the elevator in Scande. Return to Scande and place the working parts into the control panel then ride the elevator up.
At the top you'll meet the cloaked figure again, this time he'll tell you that the D. Hrt is a weapon in Tunlan and that it can destroy any Dragon. Despite saying he would let you pass him, he actually won't until you visit Tunlan and address this first. So, exit Scande and this time Warp to Tunlan.
Exit the Dragon Shrine in Tunlan and go up the stairs, the doorway that you see right in front of you is the one that you'll want to enter. Inside you'll find a lady (pictured below) who will play a Dragon song for you, this will badly damage Ryu so you'll want to heal him up after listening. This is the weapon that the cloaked man told you about.
The nice lady will bottle up the song for you so that you can unleash it on the next boss. Return to Scande and ride the elevator back up, the cloaked man will be gone now so we can enter the dungeon. The first hallway/room you come across in this dungeon will have a fork in it - one path will go right and the other will go left. The right path will take you to a room with a fresh spring that you can drink and fully restore your HP; it will also take you to the second floor where you can find some loots.
Go right first to collect some treasures then come back to this fork and go left to advance through the dungeon. How this place works is there are yellow switches on the ground that you can step on, each time you step on them you'll close off some routes and open up other ones. You will need to step on these switches to advance through the dungeon and to collect all of the available loot.
When you're ready to continue to the boss go left at the fork in the road and up to the second floor. Directly south of where you enter the second floor you'll find another staircase up - it's just south of a large red dining room table looking thing. From here it's a linear path to our next boss, Zog.
Depending on what level your characters are and how prepared you are this fight will vary in difficulty. I recommend using buffs on your party at the start of the fight and also using the D. Hrt item that we got from Tunlan. Just be ready to heal/rez Ryu after using D. Hrt because he'll be hurt too.
Once Zog has been defeated there will be a cutscene during which Ryu will reunite with Sara and give her the keys. No surprise here but the keys will be stolen by Jade and you'll regain control of Ryu. Try to exit this room via the southern narrow hallway and a mole person will dig in and tell you to follow them - drop down into the hole to find yourself in a maze.
Explore the maze until you find the mole people and speak with them, there will be a scene. Drop down into the fresh mole hole and you'll find yourself in a new area; leave this area via the southern exit and you'll find yourself back in Scande. Leave Scande and use a Warp spell to travel to the town of Romero.
From Romero you'll want to travel a tad bit northwest to Agua Tower - you should remember this dungeon from earlier in the game. Walk down the stone bridge and you will automatically use the tablet to bring Agua down to you so that you can enter.
Note: In my version of Breath of Fire on the GBA it never showed Agua Tower float down to me and it seemed as if the game was bugged. If this happens to you just walk forward onto Agua Tower, despite it not being visible it still let me enter on my game.
Go up in Agua Tower until you reach the area shown in my screenshot above. If you have been following my guide the entire time we have visited this area once before to collect loot from the two Dragon Statues we see in the screenshot above. Inspecting them will reveal two hidden items which aren't very good anymore.
Enter into the Dragon Shrine and you will meet Sara again, she'll beg you to stop Jade and then snap back to being controlled. Or maybe it's just bipolar, who knows at this point! Follow Sara up the stairs and continue through the dungeon, you'll run into Jade again and have to follow him through a teleporter.
After following Jade you will end up in a new dungeon called Pagoda. On the first floor you'll see a lot of red along with a bunch of staircases. In the southern portion of this area you will find an exit which allows you to return to the World Map (pictured below). If you ever need to leave and rest at an Inn or to buy more restorative items you can leave via this exit and return through it.
Pagoda dungeon on the World Map
Now, as for the dungeon itself the first thing I will recommend you do is explore a bit and grab all the treasure chests that you run into. This will give you an opportunity to get familiar with the dungeon and collect the goodies. When you're ready to advance through the dungeon and get to the next boss follow my directions below.
How to reach Sara in Pagoda:
1. From the first floor go up the stairs in the bottom right.
2. Run passed the trap holes in the floor and go down the stairs in the east
3. Step on the switch in this room to open the doors
4. Go through the doorway on the left and circle around to another switch, step on that to open the door in front of you.
5. Circle around the outside of this whole floor until you reach the switch on the right hand side; step on this and turn around.
6. Back track a bit to the path that's open and follow the hallway to another switch - step on that and you'll have a clear path to the stairs in the north.
7. Head up the stairs, follow the linear path and you'll reach the room with Sara.
Are you struggling to follow my written directions for this dungeon? If you are I would recommend you check out my Youtube Video, How to reach Sara in the Pagoda Dungeon. This video will show you how to easily navigate this first part of the dungeon and reach Sara. When you reach Sara there will be a scene during which your characters will take a lot of damage. Before you try and go down the stairs next to Sara make sure you heal up otherwise you'll be starting the fight with 1 HP on everyone.
The fight with Sara is pretty easy, use the Rudra transformation on Ryu and buff up your team with Nina. Aside from that just keep hitting Sara until she goes down. There will be a short scene once Sara has been taken care of, head down the stairs and follow the linear path to find an HP restoring spring that you can drink from.
Our next room borrows mechanics from a previous dungeon - each time you step on the one of the tiles the floor will disappear or reappear depending on what colored tile you step on. Thankfully, the route through this floor is quite linear unlike the previous dungeon that we had to deal with these mechanics in. You may have to fumble around a bit but you'll eventually find the staircase in the middle that leads up to the next floor.
Jade is found on the next floor, approach him and a scene will automatically play out. When you regain control of Ryu you'll be back in the first town that we started the game in. Exit this town and transform Nina into a bird, before we proceed to the final dungeon we have a few things to do first.
The first thing you'll want to do is Warp over to Camlon and fly north using Nina; when you reach Mogu's digsite go west a little bit to find the cave that's surrounded by water. We've been here earlier in the game, this dungeon is called Ease Cave. Our destination is at the bottom of this cave, we previously got the Cleansing Water from here if you remember it.
In the area where we found the Cleansing Water before you'll be able to run down the stairs into an underwater room (pictured above). Enter into the doorway in this room and you will find yourself in another Dragon Temple. Talk with the spirit here using Ryu and you'll learn Agni, the ultimate dragon transformation.
Use Bleu's Exit spell and then Warp over to Camlon, from here you'll want to fly directly east until you reach and island with a small building on it and a bunch of rocks (pictured below). For this next part of the game we'll have to fly back and forth between this island and another island which is to the south.
Enter the house on this little island and you'll be in an area called "I-woman Home". Approach the old woman and talk with her and she'll ask you if you know any other weapon buffs, that's all we need to do here for now.
The I-woman's Home on the World Map
As previously stated our next destination is another place to the south. Transform into a bird with Nina and fly directly south until you run into a small hut surrounded by palm trees. You may remember this area from earlier in the game, we had to talk with this old goat herder before too.
Since the next part of the game has a lot of back and forth I decided to put each step into a list format to make things easier for you.
I-woman and Old Goat Herder To-do List:
1. Talk with the old woman in the I-woman house
2. Fly south and talk with the old man who is in the house surrounded by palm trees
3. Enter the old man's house and loot the chests; they contain an Herb, Herb and List. You will have to move some jars to get to them.
4. Return to the I-woman's Home with the List and speak with her; follow her inside.
5. Go through her bed and move two jars to loot the chest, it contains a Wtzit.
6. Visit the old man again to the south and show him the Wtzit, he'll give you a letter which you'll return to the old woman.
7. You'll get a letter again, this time we have to run it back to the old man. Fly back and give him the letter
8. The old man will give you the I. Claw item which is a tool that Mogu can use.
Now that we got all of that out of the way it's time to Warp to Gramor; put Mogu in the front of your party and head inside of the building in the top right of town. In here you'll want to talk with the elderly mole person who will recognize the I. Claw in your inventory. He will show Mogu how to use it in a cute scene, after which you'll be done in this city.
The next task on our list is to visit the final dungeon, Obelisk. Do you remember that purple swamp area where we found the town of Scande? Now you will find a large floating dungeon over top of it called Obelisk (pictured below). You may have to fly around for a bit first in order to find this dungeon, thankfully it sticks out like a sore thumb!
Tip: From Gramor you can fly almost directly south to find the Obelisk; it will be a tad bit off the screen on the left hand side as you fly by.
Once you've found Obelisk simply fly into it and Nina will land ontop of it automatically. Put Mogu in the front of your party and open the door to Obelisk; in the first room of this dungeon you'll find a defunct teleporter pad and a cracked/damaged floor just above that. With Mogu in the lead press A while you're standing overtop of the damage in the floor. He'll do his spinning trick and dig a hole which lets you access the dungeon. If you ever need to get back to the top floor take the teleporter pad that we landed on.
For the first part of this dungeon you will be dealing with the floating platforms mechanic that we've seen a few times already. The only chest on this floor is the FlameHR weapon which is for Ox, you will also meet the first boss of the dungeon this floor, Goda, however he'll flee from you initially. Follow the same route Goda went and you'll find the stairs down, in this room is where you'll fight him.
Goda only does physical attacks which makes him a pretty easy boss to defeat. One thing to note is that in order to use Ryu's ultimate Dragon Transformation Agni you'll need to have Karn un-fused with your other units. If Karn is fused at all with anyone then you won't be able to use Agni, this is a pretty big trade off and one you may not be willing to make.
After beating Goda you'll be able to go through the hole in the wall behind him and continue with the dungeon. On the next floor step on any of the floating platforms as they all go to the same area, a large room with multiple inactive hearts (like what we saw in the Stone Robot earlier in the game). The path around this room is quite linear, follow it all the way around until you reach the stairs in the center and go down.
In the next area you'll find Jade sitting on a throne, there will be some dialogue with him during which he'll ask you to switch sides and join him. If you agree to switch sides you'll be able to battle a bunch of monsters at his command. The M. Slime monster he throws at you will give you 9999 EXP and 9999 Gold - the rest of the monsters are normal ones that you encountered throughout the game.
When you're ready to battle Jade tell him you won't be his servant or you're done being his servant and the battle will begin. As usual you should buff your party using Nina and use Ryu's best Dragon Transformation (either Rudra or Agni). Other than that, beat on Jade until he's defeated.
After defeating Jade inspect the left hand side of the throne to find EmporSD, Ryu's ultimate weapon. You should also inspect the backside of the pillar southeast of the throne for the StarHR item. Equip the EmporSD to Ryu and the StarHR to Ox, those are the best weapons we're going to get for them.
To proceed deeper into the dungeon and face off against Tyr step on the gray circles in front of the throne. Doing this will activate an elevator which you'll ride down into a new area. In this new area you'll find a girl who asks you if you came here to have a wish granted. Answer "yes" and she will fully restore your HP and AP - something we definitely need. The next time you talk with her tell her "no" and a battle will commence.
For the first fight against her don't do anything but normal attacks; after you lower her HP enough the fight will end and there will be a scene. Talk with her again after this fight and agree to be her friend. Your sister will appear and tell you to use the power of Agni to reveal her true form.
Like I said earlier, you'll need to un-fuse Karn if he's still fused together otherwise we can't use Agni. You can do this during the fight if you've forgotten. For this boss fight you'll want Ryu to transform into Agni and attack her, this will trigger another scene.
Ryu's Agni Dragon Transformation
Once the scene is over the boss fight will commence in earnest. You should transform Ryu back into Agni and then... basically auto attack the boss to death. It's boring, but that's the strategy for this fight, you attack using Agni until you need to heal and then you use a healing item on Ryu to heal the damage. That's all there is to it.
When the Goddess has been defeated you'll have one more scene before the credit roll. Enjoy the ending, you deserve it!
Return to Breath of Fire Walkthrough (Chapter 5)