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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Action Replay Codes (Europe)

This page contains the Action Replay Codes that I have available for Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation , a game for Dreamcast. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easily by accessing a tab at the top of your Emulator; those of you playing on a physical Dreamcast console will have to use an actual Action Replay device instead.

If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Guides and Walkthroughs and choose a different section.


Unlimited Wideshot Shotgun Ammo: 56CF441D 0000FFFF

Unlimited Uzi Ammo: DE78B095 0000FFFF

Unlimited Super Grenade Ammo: A00B62DB 0000FFFF

Unlimited Small Medipacks: 5697441D 0000FFFF

Unlimited Revolver Ammo: 16BC25DB 0000FFFF

Unlimited Poison Crossbow Ammo: F0F9A5CC 0000FFFF

Unlimited Normal Shotgun Ammo: 2087500F 0000FFFF

Unlimited Normal Grenade Ammo: 79D5E048 0000FFFF

Unlimited Normal Crossbow Ammo: DE20B095 0000FFFF

Unlimited Large Medipacks: 8B4BBE4A 0000FFFF

Unlimited Flash Grenade Ammo: A03362DB 0000FFFF

Unlimited Flares: 8B73BE4A 0000FFFF

Unlimited Explosive Crossbow Ammo: 3F29170D 0000FFFF


Have Shotgun: DD30F095 000000FF

Have Revolver + Laser Sight: F30DE5CC 000000FF

Have Laser Sight: 150C65DB 000000FF

Have Grenade Gun: DDC8F095 000000FF

Have Crossbow + Laser Sight: F3F5E5CC 000000FF