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Conflagrant Ore Farming Locations

Conflagrant Ore

Conflagrant Ore is the main Smithing tradeskill ingredient that was added into the game during the Ring of Scale expansion pack. It's used for creating many different Conflagrant weapons and armor from this expansion. Those of you unfamiliar with this armor, it's some of the only non-prestige attuneable armor for players 106 - 110.

This item only drops from golems in the Ring of Scale expansion pack which makes farming for it an exceptionally annoying thing to do. There are only two zones that you can reliably farm it, The Overthere and Howling Stones. There are some enemies that drop it in Skyfire Mountains too but they're too few to farm and that zone is a nightmare for most players.



Howling Stones - Conflagrant Ore Farming Location

Howling Stones Conflagrant Ore Farming Location

The best place for you to farm Conflagrant Ore (in my opinion) is at the zone in to Howling Stones (RoS). Right at the entrance to this zone you'll find 6 golems, two guarding each of the three paths you can take. Don't pull the eastern path while you're here though! The golems can't get to you easily so they'll run through dozens of other mobs and train you.

Despite there only being 6 golems to fight in this one location, I believe it's the best location primarily because while 6 may seem like a low number - it's the highest concentration of golems you'll find throughout the whole expansion!


The Overthere - Conflagrant Ore Farming Location

Conflagrant Ore Farming Location
Blue spots on the map are where you will commonly find golems.

This is the second best location, arguably the only other location, for you to farm Conflagrant Ore in the Ring of Scale expansion pack. Throughout The Overthere there are many different golem enemies, typically standing near the outskirts of the zone or roaming around in similar areas. On the map above, all of the stationary golems that I found are marked with a blue X; I didn't mark the roaming golems because the map would have been a mess of squiggly lines and circles.

In my opinion the best way to farm Conflagrant Ore in this zone is to run around from golem to golem invised and take them out. There are many different enemies that roam around by these golems so it won't be an easy task, also many of these golems are place holders for a named enemy... So if you're too weak to handle a named, you may want to try Howling Stones instead.