Necromancer PoP Spells
These are all of the different Necromancer PoP spells which you'll receive by turning in either an Ethereal Parchment, Spectral Parchment or Glyphed Rune Word to Heretic Drahur in PoK. You get a random spell each time you turn in a parchment or word and it seems like some spells (the crappy ones) have a higher chance to be given to you than the good ones.
On this page each Beastlord PoP spell is listed as well as information about exactly what that spell does. If you'd like to return to my PoP Spell Runes Index then follow that link to go back to the original page.
Legacy of Zek (61)
Classes: NEC/61
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 800
Consumes: Bone Chips x 1
Focus: [Item 28144]
Focus: [Item 20508]
Focus: [Item 23488]
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 16s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Summon Pet: PCPetNecS13L061Spec2Snw
Text: A fallen diaku rises from the ground.
Reanimates an ancient warrior to do your bidding. Consumes bone chips when cast.
Dark Plague (61)
Classes: NEC/61
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 340
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Disease -50
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 84s+ (14 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Increase Disease Counter by 9
2: Decrease Current HP by 190 per tick
Text: Black spots form on your skin.
Sickens your target with a dark plague, causing between #2 and @2 damage every six seconds for %z.
Neurotoxin (61)
Classes: NEC/61
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 445
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Poison
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1325
Text: Your muscles twitch and spasm.
Strikes your target with a jet of poison, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Shield of the Arcane (61)
Classes: NEC/61 WIZ/61 MAG/61 ENC/61
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 350
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 12s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 90m+ (900 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Max HP by 300
2: Increase AC by 36
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Max HP' and < 1300
6: Increase Magic Resist by 30
Text: The shield of the arcane surrounds you.
Surrounds your body in a magical shield, increasing your hit points, armor class, and magic resistance.
Touch of Mujaki (61)
Classes: NEC/61
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 450
Target: Lifetap
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -200
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.2s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 875
Text: A piece of your spirit is torn from your body.
Drains your target of life energy, siphoning between #1 and @1 hit points.
Petrifying Earth (62)
Classes: CLR/64 SHM/64 NEC/62
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 180
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -30
Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 2.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 3m+ (30 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
2: Root
Text: Your feet adhere to the ground.
Causes the earth to adhere to your target's feet, preventing them from moving for up to %z.
Rune of Death (62)
Classes: NEC/62
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 350
Target: Pet
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 60m+ (600 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
3: Increase STR by 65
4: Increase Melee Haste by 70%
6: Increase AC by 18
Intensifies the power of your undead servant, increasing their strength, armor class, and attack speed.
Saryrn's Kiss (62)
Classes: NEC/62
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 550
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -200
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 60s+ (10 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
Recourse: Saryrn's Kiss Recourse
3: Decrease Current HP by 200 per tick
Text: You feel unseen lips touch your face.
Drains the life from your target, doing @3 damage every six seconds for %z. Much of the life-force taken is used to heal your wounds.
Death's Silence (63)
Classes: NEC/63
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 150
Target: Undead
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -10
Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 30s+ (5 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Mesmerize up to level 65
2: Memory Blur (70% Chance)
Text: The anger of undeath abates.
Stops an undead creature in their tracks, denying any action for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to @1.
Embracing Darkness (63)
Classes: NEC/63
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 200
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -20
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.2s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 2m+ (20 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Decrease Current HP by 70 per tick
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 75%
Text: You are engulfed by an embracing darkness.
Summons an embracing darkness that binds your target's feet, decreasing their movement rate, and doing between #1 and @1 damage every six seconds for %z.
Force Shield (63)
Classes: NEC/63 WIZ/63
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 360
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 2h+ (1200 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 750
6: Increase Current Mana by 2 per tick
Text: Your body is surrounded by a force shield.
Covers you in a magical skin that absorbs #1 damage before dissipating. This spell also increases your mana regeneration rate.
Saryrn's Companion (63)
Classes: NEC/63
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 800
Consumes: Bone Chips x 1
Focus: [Item 28144]
Focus: [Item 20508]
Focus: [Item 23488]
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 16s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Summon Pet: PCPetNecS13L063Spec2Snw
Text: A visage of torment rises before you.
Infuses a corpse with a spirit of torment that will do your bidding. Consumes bone chips when cast.
Seduction of Saryrn (64)
Classes: NEC/64
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 5
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 6s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 60m+ (600 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Cast: Mottled Skeletal Form
2: Increase Current Mana by 50 per tick
4: Ultravision
5: See Invisible
7: Decrease Current HP by 42 per tick
Text: Your soul is claimed in a cold caress.
Grips your body in an unholy darkness, slowly draining your hit points while regenerating your mana.
Shield of Maelin (64)
Classes: NEC/64 WIZ/64 MAG/64 ENC/64
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 300
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 12s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 90m+ (900 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Max HP by 350
2: Increase AC by 39
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Max HP' and < 1350
6: Increase Magic Resist by 40
Text: You feel armored.
Surrounds your body in a magical shield, increasing your hit points, armor class, and magic resistance.
Touch of Death (64)
Classes: NEC/64
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 290
Target: Undead
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.75s, Recast: 1.5s, Timer: 7, Rest: 1.5s
1: Increase Current HP by 1200
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 24
Restores an undead servant, healing between #1 and @1 hit points and curing them of diseases, poisons, and curses.
Blood of Thule (65)
Classes: NEC/65
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 436
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Poison -50
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 42s+ (7 ticks), Dispelable: No
Push: 0.5'
1: Increase Poison Counter by 9
2: Decrease Current HP by 360 per tick
Text: The blood of Thule pumps through your veins.
Fills your target's blood with poison, causing between #2 and @2 damage every six seconds for %z.
Child of Bertoxxulous (65)
Classes: NEC/65
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 800
Consumes: Bone Chips x 1
Focus: [Item 28144]
Focus: [Item 20508]
Focus: [Item 23488]
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 16s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Summon Pet: PCPetNecS13L065Spec2Snw
Text: A child of decay rises from the ground.
Inspires a spirit of pestilence to inhabit a corpse to do your bidding. Consumes bone chips when cast.
Destroy Undead (65)
Classes: CLR/64 NEC/65
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 248
Target: Undead
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -100
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1170
A burst of holy power that inflicts between #1 and @1 damage to an undead target.
Word of Terris (65)
Classes: NEC/65
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 500
Target: Undead
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic
Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 10s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 20.5m+ (205 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Charm up to level 60
Text: The voice of Terris Thule commands you.
Commands an undead creature to do your bidding, temporarily bending them to your will.
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