Wizard OoW Spells (Muramite Runes)
These are the Omens of War Spells for Wizards which you will receive by turning in Muramite Runes to Karsor the Mad located in Dranik's Scar. Each time you hand him a specific Muramite Rune he'll return to you a spell for that level. If you already have all the spells scirbed for that level he won't give you any spells and will just give you back your Spell Rune.
On this page each Wizard OoW spell is listed as well as what the spell does. If you'd like to return to my OoW Spell Rune Guide then follow that link to head on back there.
Classes: WIZ/66
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 456
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Cold -300
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 4.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1500
Text: Ice crystals form on your skin.
Covers your target in crystals of ice, causing #1 damage. This damage is much more difficult to resist than most spells.
Ether Shield
Classes: WIZ/66
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 350
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 12s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 90m+ (900 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Max HP by 390
2: Increase AC by 46
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Max HP' and < 1390
6: Increase Magic Resist by 40
Text: Ether gathers around you.
Surrounds your body in a magical shield, increasing your hit points, armor class, and magic resistance.
Tears of the Sun
Classes: WIZ/66
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 529
Target: Target AE
Range: 150', AE Range: 25'
Resist: Fire -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 10s, Timer: 6, Rest: 1.5s
AE Waves: 3
1: Decrease Current HP by 1168
Text: A rain of fire descends around you.
Tears of searing flame fall around your target, causing three waves of #1 damage to all creatures in the vicinity of your target.
Spark of Fire
Classes: WIZ/66
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 319
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Fire -50
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1348
Text: The air around you ignites.
Consumes your target in a sudden torrent of fire, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Circle of Fire
Classes: WIZ/67
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 430
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 35'
Resist: Fire -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 2s, Recast: 6s, Timer: 4, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 845
Text: You are caught in a circle of fire.
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Classes: WIZ/67
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 456
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -300
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 4.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1500
Text: You are caught in a lightning bolt.
Bolts of thunder consume your target, causing #1 damage. This damage is much more difficult to resist than most spells.
Phase Walk
Classes: WIZ/67
Skill: Divination
Mana: 150
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 10m+ (100 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Invisibility
Text: Your body shifts out of phase.
Cloaks you in a mystic veil, rendering you invisible to many creatures for %z.
Spark of Lightning
Classes: WIZ/68
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 319
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -50
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1348
Text: You are struck by a bolt of lightning.
Consumes your target in a sudden torrent of lightning, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Classes: WIZ/68
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 456
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Fire -300
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 4.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1500
Text: You are caught in a cloud of fire.
Searing flames consume your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage. This damage is much more difficult to resist than most spells.
Spark of Thunder
Classes: WIZ/68
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 319
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -50
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1348
2: Stun for 1s up to level 70
Text: You spasm as a bolt of static arcs through you.
Consumes your target in a sudden torrent of thunder, causing between #1 and @1 damage and briefly stunning your target.
Ether Skin
Classes: WIZ/68
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 468
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 2h+ (1200 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 975
6: Increase Current Mana by 3 per tick
Text: Your skin is covered in glowing ether.
Covers you in a magical skin that absorbs #1 damage before dissipating. This spell also increases your mana regeneration rate.
Classes: WIZ/68
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 656
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 7s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 3233
Text: You are struck by a bolt of lightning.
Assaults your target's body with arcing bolts of thunderous energy, causing #1 damage.
Meteor Storm
Classes: WIZ/69
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 523
Target: Target AE
Range: 150', AE Range: 25'
Resist: Fire -300
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 12s, Timer: 6, Rest: 1.5s
AE Waves: 3
1: Decrease Current HP by 886
Text: You are caught in a meteor storm.
A storm of meteors falls around your target, causing three waves of #1 damage to all creatures in the vicinity of your target.
Spark of Ice
Classes: WIZ/69
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 319
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Cold -50
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1348
Text: The air around you freezes.
Consumes your target in a sudden torrent of frost, causing #1 damage.
Gelidin Comet
Classes: WIZ/69
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 650
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Cold -10
Reflectable: No
Trigger Spell DS: No
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 8s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 3385
Text: You are stuck by a frozen comet.
Summons a cosmic ice meteor from the heavens, causing #1 damage to your target.
Solist's Frozen Sword
Classes: WIZ/69
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 250
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Summon Pet: PCPetWizS14L069Sword
Conjures a frozen sword that attacks your target until either it, or the target, is dead.
Ether Ward
Classes: WIZ/69
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 50
Consumes: Peridot x 1
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 2s, Recast: 60s, Timer: 6, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 27m+ (270 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 40%, Total: 1300
9: Decrease Current Mana by 3 per tick
Text: A dark blue aura surrounds you.
Envelops you in a magical ward, absorbing a portion of incoming spell damage. This spell absorbs a set amount of damage before dissipating. Consumes a peridot when cast.
Circle of Thunder
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 990
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 35'
Resist: Magic -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 12s, Timer: 4, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1450
Text: You are caught in a circle of thunder.
Creates a circle of lightning around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 390
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 18s, Timer: 9, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1170
2: Stun for 8s up to level 70
Text: You stagger back, stunned.
Strikes your target with energy, stunning them briefly, and causing #1 damage.
Gelid Rains
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 529
Target: Target AE
Range: 150', AE Range: 25'
Resist: Cold -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 12s, Timer: 6, Rest: 1.5s
AE Waves: 3
1: Decrease Current HP by 1168
Text: You are caught in gelid rains.
Tears of ice fall around your target, causing three waves of #1 damage to all creatures in the vicinity of your target.
Corona Flare
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 800
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Fire -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 8s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 3770
Text: You are encased in the corona of the sun.
Consumes your target in the inferno of Solusek Ro, causing #1 damage.
Bulwark of Calrena
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 390
Consumes: Peridot x 1
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 4s, Recast: 15s, Timer: 7, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 36m+ (360 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 25%, Total: 1665
Text: A bright blue aura surrounds you.
Places the protection of Calrena on your target, absorbing a portion of incoming spell damage. This spell absorbs a set amount of damage before dissipating. Consumes a peridot when cast.
Ancient: Core Fire
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 850
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Fire -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 8s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 4070
Text: You are encased in core fire.
Consumes your target in the power of chaos causing #1 damage.
Ancient: Spear of Gelaqua
Classes: WIZ/70
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 345
Target: Single
Range: 150'
Resist: Cold -10
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.5s, Recast: 13s, Timer: 1, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1976
Text: You are struck by the spear of Gelaqua.
Creates a fierce spear of ice to strike your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage.