Shaman OoW Spells (Muramite Runes)
These are the Omens of War Spells for Shamans which you will receive by turning in Muramite Runes to Karsor the Mad located in Dranik's Scar. Each time you hand him a specific Muramite Rune he'll return to you a spell for that level. If you already have all the spells scirbed for that level he won't give you any spells and will just give you back your Spell Rune.
On this page each Shaman OoW spell is listed as well as what the spell does. If you'd like to return to my OoW Spell Rune Guide then follow that link to head on back there.
Spirit of Sense
Classes: SHM/66
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 150
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 72m+ (720 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 7%
Text: You move with the grace of your ancestors.
Fills your target with a sense of nimbleness, increasing their ability to avoid being hit for %z.
Yoppa's Spear of Venom
Classes: SHM/66
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 425
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Poison
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 4.2s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1197
Text: You are rent by a spear of venom.
Strikes your target with a jet of poisonous acid, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Spirit of Perseverance
Classes: SHM/66
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 343
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 21m+ (210 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Current HP by 60 per tick
Text: Your body begins to heal faster.
Hastens your target's natural healing, regenerating #1 hit points every 6 seconds.
Putrid Decay
Classes: SHM/66
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 250
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Disease -200
Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.5s, Recast: 6s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 14m+ (140 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Disease Resist by 55
6: Decrease Poison Resist by 55
Text: Your skin becomes slimy and translucent.
Surrounds your target with a foul cloud of plague which will lower their resistance to disease and poison attacks.
Crippling Spasm
Classes: SHM/66
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 225
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic
Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 7.5m+ (75 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Decrease DEX by 100
2: Decrease AGI by 100
3: Decrease STR by 100
4: Decrease AC by 39
Text: You muscles spasm uncontrollably.
Saps your target's power, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, and armor class for %z.
Farrel's Companion
Classes: SHM/67
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 650
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 12s, Recast: 24s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Summon Pet: PCPetShmS14L067WolfGho
Text: You summon a snarling spirit.
Summons a companion from the spirit world in the form of a great wolf.
Breath of Wunshi
Classes: SHM/67
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 1023
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Disease
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Stacking: Breath of Ultor 7
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 84s+ (14 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Decrease Current HP by 377 per tick
Text: You begin to cough black fog.
Sickens your target with a fever, causing between #2 and @2 damage every six seconds for %z.
Spirit of Might
Classes: SHM/67
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 175
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 63m+ (630 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
7: Increase Hit Damage by 5%
Text: You are filled with the strength of your ancestors.
Fills your target's body with strength, increasing their damage for %z.
Ancestral Bulwark
Classes: SHM/67
Skill: Abjuration
Mana: 312
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 72m+ (720 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
4: Increase AC by 46
Text: The spirits of your ancestors gather around you.
Places an ancestral guard on your target, increasing their armor class for %z.
Spirit Veil
Classes: SHM/67
Skill: Divination
Mana: 150
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 10m+ (100 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Invisibility
Text: You are obscured by a spirit veil.
Cloaks you in a mystic veil, rendering you invisible to many creatures for %z.
Talisman of Sense
Classes: SHM/68
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 525
Target: Target Group, MGB: Yes
AE Range: 60'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 63m+ (630 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 7%
Text: You move with the grace of your ancestors.
Fills your target with a sense of nimbleness, increasing their ability to avoid being hit for %z.
Yoppa's Rain of Venom
Classes: SHM/68
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 561
Target: Target AE
Range: 150', AE Range: 20'
Resist: Poison
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 12s, Timer: 5, Rest: 1.5s
AE Waves: 3
1: Decrease Current HP by 893
Text: Venom rains down around you.
Creates a rain of poison, causing three waves of #1 damage to everything in a small radius around your target.
Pained Memory
Classes: SHM/68
Skill: Alteration
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 2.5s, Recast: 18s, Timer: 1, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 668
2: Increase Current Mana by 360
Text: Ancestral spirits tear through your body.
Channels your body's energy to refresh your mind, trading hit points for mana.
Spirit of Fortitude
Classes: SHM/68
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 218
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 72m+ (720 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase STA by 75
12: Increase STA Cap by 40
Text: You are filled with the vigor of your ancestors.
Fills your target with the spirit of fortitude, increasing their stamina for %z.
Yoppa's Mending
Classes: SHM/68
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 691
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.75s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Increase Current HP by 2468
Text: Your wounds heal.
Mends your target's wounds with a healing touch, restoring up to @1 damage.
Wunshi's Focusing
Classes: SHM/68
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 780
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 8s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 3s
Duration: 80m+ (800 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Max HP by 680
2: Increase Current HP by 680
4: Increase STR by 85
5: Increase DEX by 85
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 85
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 85
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1085
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1085
10: Increase STR Cap by 85
11: Increase DEX Cap by 85
Text: You experience the focusing of Wunshi.
Focuses your target's spiritual energy, granting increased hit points, strength, and dexterity for %z.
Talisman of Fortitude
Classes: SHM/69
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 682
Target: Target Group, MGB: Yes
AE Range: 60'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 63m+ (630 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase STA by 75
12: Increase STA Cap by 40
Text: You are filled with the vigor of your ancestors.
Fills your group with the spirit of fortitude, increasing their stamina for %z.
Pure Spirit
Classes: SHM/69
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 350
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 12s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Dispel Detrimental (95% Chance)
Text: Your spirit is purified.
Purifies your target's spirit, potentially removing some detrimental spells from them.
Talisman of Perseverance
Classes: SHM/69
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 812
Target: Target Group, MGB: Yes
AE Range: 60'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 20.5m+ (205 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Current HP by 60 per tick
Text: Your body begins to heal faster.
Hastens your groups's natural healing, allowing them to recover hit points faster.
Curse of Sisslak
Classes: SHM/69
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 1379
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Stacking: Curse 5
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 6s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 30s+ (5 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Increase Curse Counter by 30
2: Decrease Current HP by 1296 per tick
Text: You are wrapped in vengeful spirits.
Inflicts an ancient curse upon your target, causing #2 damage every six seconds for %z.
Ice Age
Classes: SHM/69
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 413
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Cold
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 5.5s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1273
Text: Your blood freezes.
Creates a rift of bitter cold, causing between #1 and @1 damage to your target.
Balance of Discord (Given after turning in 1 Rune)
Classes: SHM/69
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 350
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Magic -60
Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 1.5s, Recast: 6s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 90s+ (15 ticks), Dispelable: No
2: Decrease Melee Haste by 75%
3: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Text: Your body slows down.
Slows your target's body, causing it to attack slower for %z.
Blood of Yoppa
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 1527
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Poison
Reflectable: Yes
Trigger Spell DS: Yes
Stacking: Blood of Saryrn 8
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 42s+ (7 ticks), Dispelable: No
1: Increase Poison Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 1120 per tick
Text: The blood of Yoppa pulses through you.
Fills your target's blood with poison, causing #2 damage every six seconds for %z.
Spiritual Serenit
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 520
Target: Single
Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 24s+ (4 ticks) Song, Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Current HP by 820 per tick
Text: Your body becomes completely serene.
Places your target into a state of serenity, healing #1 hit points every six seconds for %z.
Talisman of Wunshi
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 2340
Target: Target Group, MGB: Yes
Range: 100', AE Range: 100'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 13s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 3s
Duration: 80m+ (800 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Increase Max HP by 680
2: Increase Current HP by 680
4: Increase STR by 85
5: Increase DEX by 85
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 85
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 85
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1085
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1085
10: Increase STR Cap by 85
11: Increase DEX Cap by 85
Text: You experience the focusing of Wunshi.
Focuses your target's spiritual energy, granting increased hit points, strength, and dexterity for %z.
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 1500
Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
Range: 100', AE Range: 60'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 60s, Timer: 3, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 6.5m+ (65 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
3: Increase ATK by 140
4: Increase Hit Damage by 10%
5: Increase AGI by 140
6: Increase STR by 140
7: Increase DEX by 140
Text: You are infused with the spirit of a champion.
Infuses nearby allies with the power of an avatar, increasing their strength, dexterity, agility, and attack rating for %z.
Vindictive Spirit
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 500
Target: Caster PB
AE Range: 50'
Resist: Magic -100
Reflectable: No
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3s, Recast: 30s, Timer: 2, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 18s+ (3 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
Recourse: Vindictive Spirit Recourse
8: Decrease Melee Haste by 50%
Text: Vindictive spirits envelope your body.
Summons the power of your ancestors, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Talisman of Might
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 700
Target: Target Group, MGB: Yes
Range: 100', AE Range: 60'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 6s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
Duration: 63m+ (630 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
7: Increase Hit Damage by 5%
Text: You are filled with the strength of your ancestors.
Grants your group heightened strength, increasing their damage for %z.
Ancient: Wilslik's Mending
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Mana: 723
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 3.75s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
1: Increase Current HP by 2716
Text: Your wounds heal.
Mends your target's wounds with a healing touch, restoring up to @1 damage.
Ancient: Ancestral Calling
Classes: SHM/70
Skill: Alteration
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 2.5s, Recast: 18s, Timer: 1, Rest: 1.5s
1: Decrease Current HP by 868
2: Increase Current Mana by 468
Text: You recall the pain and knowledge of your ancestors.
Channels your body's energy to refresh your mind, trading hit points for mana.