Monk OoW Spells (Muramite Runes)
These are the Omens of War Spells for Monks which you will receive by turning in Muramite Runes to Karsor the Mad located in Dranik's Scar. Each time you hand him a specific Muramite Rune he'll return to you a spell for that level. If you already have all the spells scirbed for that level he won't give you any spells and will just give you back your Spell Rune.
On this page each Monk OoW spell is listed as well as what the spell does. If you'd like to return to my OoW Spell Rune Guide then follow that link to head on back there.
Dreamwalk Discipline
Classes: MNK/66
Skill: Offense (Combat Skill)
Endurance: 0, Upkeep: 85 per tick
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 20m, Timer: 4
Duration: 18s+ (3 ticks), Dispelable: No
Hate: 1
1: Increase Movement Speed by 125%
2: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 100%
Text: You step into the dream world.
Focuses your energy to make you immune to most spells and grant you a sudden burst of movement speed.
(No Spells this level)
Counterforce Discipline
Classes: MNK/68
Skill: Offense (Combat Skill)
Endurance: 0, Upkeep: 38 per tick
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 15m, Timer: 6
Duration: 60s+ (10 ticks), Dispelable: No
Hate: 1
1: Add Defensive Proc: Slow Effect with 150% Rate Mod
Text: You drop into a crouch, ready to counter any attacks.
Focuses your energy to attempt to slow your opponent's attacks any time you are attacked.
[6204] Slow Effect
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Physical -75
Reflectable: No
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0s
Duration: 60s+ (10 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
Hate: 1
1: Decrease Melee Haste by 25%
Text: Your attacks slow as you reel in pain.
Phantom Cry
Classes: MNK/69
Skill: Offense (Combat Skill)
Endurance: 325
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 20s
Duration: 12s+ (2 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to level 70
Seeds an illusion in your target's mind, allowing you distract them for a short period of time. This ability works on creatures up to level @1.
[7267] Phantom Cry
Endurance: 325
Target: Single
Range: 200'
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 20s
Duration: 12s+ (2 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to level 70
Seeds an illusion in your target's mind, allowing you distract them for a short period of time. This ability works on creatures up to level @1.
Rapid Kick Discipline
Classes: MNK/70
Skill: Offense (Combat Skill)
Endurance: 0, Upkeep: 75 per tick
Target: Self
Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes
Casting: 0s, Recast: 15m, Timer: 5
Duration: 30s+ (5 ticks), Dispelable: No
Hate: 1
1: Decrease Flying Kick Timer by 7s
Text: Your regimented discipline hastens your attacks.
Focuses your energy to substantially increase how often you can flying kick.
(No Spells this level)