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How to get to The Devastation

West Freeport to East Freeport

The fastest way for players to get to The Devastation is by taking the Freeport stone in the Plane of Knowledge which will place you in West Freeport. Once in WFP, we'll want to go to East Freeport. The zone line is found in the northeastern portion of the zone, if you're lost use my map above or Find.

East Freeport to The Devastation

Now in East Freeport, you'll need to travel to the northern end of this zone, through the PvP arena and into the same area where the Rogue/Poison Vendor is and the 'shady' types. Inside this area you'll find a statue, shown in the screen shot below, which you'll need to click on to be taken to The Devastation. If you're having trouble finding this statue use my map above for some guidance.

Statue to The Devastation



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