Dragon Necropolis - Post Mercenary Leveling Guide
Dragon Necropolis is one of the few really good zones for players 55 - 65; especially if you're a boxer. The whole top of DN is extremely easy with phase spiders spaced far enough out that you don't really have to worry about getting too many mobs with one pull. There is one enemy you'll want to avoid entirely though at the entrance of DN and that's the mercenary excavators you find here.
These guys were added into Dragon Necropolis at a later date and they hit probably 4x as hard as any of the other enemies we're going to be facing in this zone. Trust me - STAY AWAY FROM THESE GUYS!!!
The best place to grind in Dragon Necropolis is down in the Chetari area which can be reached easily by a tunnel on the eastern side of the zone, marked on the map above. If you're below level 60 this area may be a bit too tough for you unless you really take your time and med up between each fight. Don't kamikaze down into the tunnels without first clearing out some of the pathers.
Many enemies patrol the tunnel area and they all run when low on health so it's very easy to get overwhelmed if you're not paying attention or being careful. Additionally while in the tunnels you have to watch out for traps which can spawn 10 or so pretty weak beetles ontop of you. They shouldn't be an issue for you unless you hit a trap in the middle of a battle - then things can go sideways quick!
I'd recommend that you let the regular non defiant weapons you find here rot. They take up a whole inventory space, are extremely heavy and don't vendor for much. Your biggest money makers here are going to be all of the gems that drop as well as the random spells you find. The spells are all usually worth 30pp + and they stack and barely weigh anything!
Additional Information
- The fastest way here is by taking the Guild Hall Cobalt Scar portal. Follow this guide to go from Cobalt Scar to Dragon Necropolis.
- The raid boss Zlandicar is found in this zone.
- If you're having trouble managing your Inventory Space I highly recommend you invest in some Extraplanar Trade Satchels which are 32 Slot Tradeskill Bags. Alternatively you could also buy Unexpanded Tailored Backpacks as well. Though, the Backpacks will likely be more expensive. Follow the links provided to learn more about each item.
- If you need more plat while leveling I strongly recommend you check out my How to make more plat while leveling by Bartering Guide. It'll give you a list of all the different items you should be keeping an eye out for to Barter/Sell!
Dragon Necropolis Allakhazam Zone Information
Dragon Necropolis TLP Leveling Guide