Hero Sandwich, Smoked Hero Parts and Spiced Hero Parts
Hero Sandwich is one of the best stat foods in the game during the Planes of Power era and it remains useful for many expansions to come. This recipe as well as the two other recipes required as subcombines are all counted towards reaching 350 Baking, which is the primary purpose of this page.
TLP Players: Depending on how many people are crafting this item on your server, you could potentially make a fortune by making a ton of these.
Hero Sandwich 200 - 295
Once you have all of the required items combine them together in a Collapsible Spit or a New Tanaan Oven.
Smoked Hero Parts (EQ Traders)
Spiced Hero Parts (EQ Traders)
Smoked Hero Parts (162 Trivial)
Once you have all of the required items combine them together in a Collapsible Spit or a New Tanaan Oven.
Spiced Hero Parts (162 Trivial)
Once you have all of the required items combine them together in a Collapsible Spit or a New Tanaan Oven.