How to create a Bread Tin
A Bread Tin is used in Baking to make a few different kinds of bread. In order to make a Bread Tin you will need to know a little bit of Pottery as well as a little bit of Smithing. The Bread Tin is not consumed when making bread in the oven, however, if you fail the bread and make a "Burnt Loaf of bread" you have a chance to lose it.
To make the Bread Tin your skill won't need to be anything over 30 in either to have a good shot of making this. Either way, I'd recommend buying materials for at least 5 tries just incase. (Unless of course your skill in Pottery/Smithing is over 100). First things first you will need to make an Unfired Ceramic Lining (Trivial 36).
Bread Tin (Trivial 40)