Rain of Fear Tradeskill Items
The Rain of Fear expansion pack introduced many new Tradeskill items which only drop in this expansion, some of them are very valuable & always worth looting while others are sometimes valuable and may only be worth looting on certain servers at certain times. I'd actually recommend you always loot all of these items and if you find them to not be selling at the time, just stick them on a mule until a time opens up when someone wants them.
All of the items that drop in this expansion can be used to reach 300 in different Tradeskills which means that they do in fact have value, it's a matter whether or not someone is playing on your server at this time whose interested in raising their Tradeskills and will buy the items from you.
If you're interested in using the items yourself or just would like to know more about them, I have included a list of all the different Tradeskill Guides on my website that use Rain of Fear materials.
Rain of Fear Baking Guide (Planar Goo)
Rain of Fear Brewing Guide (Planar Energy Shards)
Rain of Fear Fletching Guide (Fractured Shard, Tainted Feathers & Animal Fearbone)
Rain of Fear Pottery Guide (Planar Energy Shards)
Rain of Fear Tinkering Guide (Planar Energy Shards)
Here's another visual breakdown of the most valuable RoF Tradeskill materials. I highly recommend you loot all of these Tradeskill items and sell them on your trader. If you don't run a trader at the very least sell the items below to barters using /barter.
Most valuable RoF Tradeskill Materials:
Moderately valuable RoF Tradeskill Materials: