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Quake E3M7: The Haunted Halls Walkthrough (All Secrets)

Youtube Walkthrough: The Haunted Halls (E3M7) Video Walkthrough (All Secrets)
Rumble Walkthrough: The Haunted Halls (E3M7) Video Walkthrough (All Secrets)

For as much as this level as possible, you'll want to use your Rocket Launcher. If you're struggling on this mission, it's probably because you're trying to use other guns and running out of ammo. Follow the linear path when you start the level and press every button you come across, like I said before, make sure to use your Rockets as much as possible during this part.

In every new area you need to press a button to open a door and defeat some enemies. Eventually you'll reach a room with some lava below you - a bunker in front of you and a bloody grate to your right; this is the same location as Secret #1 and Secret #2 but it's also a good landmark.

Ride up the elevator and press the button on top of the small bunker, after you do that grab both secrets and move into the next room. For this room you need to shoot the symbol on the wall... However, when you do many enemies will spawn including a Vore in the cage below. After that battle is won continue forward to the final room, this room is one difficult fight.

You'll find the remaining Secret #3 and Secret #4 inside of this room, once you're done with the level go through the exit portal beyond the next door way. If you're having trouble with this final fight, my advice is to watch some videos to see how others do it. You kinda need to use the right strategies with the right guns to win.


Secret #1

Secret #1: The first secret is found in the room with a floor that's lava and a small bunker like building. To the right when you walk in will be two grates - one is bloody and one is normal. Shoot the bloody one and you will reveal a Quad Damage that's inside.

The Haunted Halls Secret 1


Secret #2

Secret #2: In the same area as the previous secret, you will find an elevator that you can ride up to the top of the small bunker. Make the elevator go up and then fall below it, you'll find a +100 health crate and a slipgate portal back up to the top.

The Haunted Halls Secret 2


Secret #3

Secret #3: The button you hit to bring down the elevator in the final room of the dungeon has a hidden switch above it in the top corner of the ceiling. You can just barely see this if you look above the switch, shoot it to open a door with Quad Damage, Health and Armor inside.

The Haunted Halls Secret 3


Secret #4

Secret #4: Across from the previous secret you will see a cage outcropping over the lava. Jump on top of this from the second floor and you can reach this secret, it has a Pentagram of Protection inside.

The Haunted Halls Secret 4