Blacklake Arena - NWN Unmarked Quest (Chapter 1)
Blacklake Arena is technically an unmarked quest in Chapter 1 but it has all the hallmarks of being an actual quest. In order to start this quest you'll first have to speak with a man named Graxx in the Trades of Blade building in the City Core. Ask Graxx about where you can go to 'get some action' and he'll give you the Gauntlet Pass which will give you access to this hidden arena.
The secret arena in question is found in the Blacklake District inside of the Board Laid Bare tavern. Give the Gauntlet Pass to the bartender here and he'll give you the key to access the basement area where you'll find this arena. Once you're in the basement you'll want to speak with Kellisai and ask her about the rules, this line of questioning will allow you to participate in the battle arena.
Round 1: You'll have to fight Hrust, a Dwarven Fighter. This will be an extremely easy fight.
Round 2: The next round will be against Fashi and his pet wolf, again, another really easy fight.
Round 3: For the 3rd round you'll be fighting a Half-Orc named Agar and his cougar cat pet
Round 4: Our last opponent is Claudus, the current champion of the arena. Unlike the other contenders Claudus will cheat and start out buffed with 2 Panther companions at his side. You can Persuade Kellisai before the battle to use Dispel Magic on Claudus too but it really isn't necessary considering we're allowed to use our Henchman and/or Familiars. The fight should be easy enough to win even with Claudus cheating.
Once you've won all 4 rounds of the battle arena you'll be given the Gauntlet Championship Award which is an Amulet that lets you collect gold from the Bartender in the Board Laid Bare tavern. Speak with him and say, "Give me the earnings for the week" and he'll cough up a measly 50g. It says you can do this once a week ingame which pretty much means you can do this one time before finishing Chapter 1.