Objects - Don't Starve Together
This are all the list of Objects in the game Don't Starve together. The spawn code of each object is included on these list, if you're looking for Characters, Items, Monsters, Others, Forest, Marsh, Cave, Blueprints, Animals or Shipwrecked, follow one of the links below instead.
DST Console Command Spawn Lists
- Animals
- Characters
- Items
- Monsters
- Others
- Forest
- Marsh
- Cave
- Blueprints
- Objects
- Shipwrecked
Bee Box: beebox
Berry Bush: berrybush
Berrybush2: berrybush2
Bonfire: bonfire
Campfire: campfire
Cave Banana Tree: cave_banana_tree
Slow Farmplot: slow_farmplot
Fast Farmplot: fast_farmplot
Fern: cave_fern
Fireflies: fireflies
Fire Pit: firepit
Flies: flies
Gravestone: gravestone
Homesign: homesign
Lightning Rod: lightning_rod
Maxwelllight: maxwelllight
Maxwelllight Area: maxwelllight_area
Maxwellphonograph: maxwellphonograph
Meatrack: meatrack
Mermhouse: mermhouse
Mound: mound
Nightlight: nightlight
Phonograph Gears: phonograph_gears
Phonograph Box: phonograph_box
Phonograph Crank: phonograph_crank
Phonograph Cone: phonograph_cone
Phonograph Complete: phonograph_complete
Pighouse: pighouse
Pigking: pigking
Dug Berrybush: dug_berrybush
Dug Berrybush2: dug_berrybush2
Dug Sapling: dug_sapling
Dug Grass: dug_grass
Plant Normal: plant_normal
Portal Home: portal_home
Portal Level: portal_level
Pumpkin Lantern: pumpkin_lantern
Rabbithole: rabbithole
Rabbithouse: rabbithouse
Rainometer: rainometer
Researchlab: researchlab
Researchlab2: researchlab2
Researchlab3: researchlab3
Meat Effigy: resurrectionstatue
Skeleton: skeleton
Basic Shop: basic_shop
Tallbirdnest: tallbirdnest
Teleportato Base: teleportato_base
Teleportato Checkmate: teleportato_checkmate
Tent: tent
Treeclump: treeclump
Tumbleweed spawn point: tumbleweedspawner
Turf Road: turf_road
Turf Rocky: turf_rocky
Turf Grass: turf_grass
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