Knights of the Ebon Blade Reputation Guide (Wrath of the Lich King)
The Knights of the Ebon Blade is a faction that consists of renegade Death Knights. Knights of the Ebon Blade's main hub is Ebon Hold which is in Icecrown. Before you are able to accept quests from the Knights of the Ebon Blade you will need to first complete a series of quests. The quest that starts it all begins on the flying boats in the sky. To see this quest click here.
The Knights of the Ebon Blade have 6 dailies available to them making it a bad choice of faction to wear the Tabard for in an instance.
Leave Our Mark
This quest is one of the quests available at Shadow Vault. It requires you to fly west to Jotunheim and kill vrykul. When you kill a Vrykul use the Ebon Blade Banner quest item provided to get credit for the daily. Undead and Living Vrykul count.
Vile Like Fire!
This quest requires you to fly west to Jotunheim and hop on a Njorndar Proto-Drake. You can find the Proto-Drakes around 27, 39. Once you have a Drake simply fly by buildings spamming the Fireball attack.
Shoot 'Em Up
The Leaper at The Shadowvault wants you to head to Jotunheim and hop on a Rapid-Fire Harpoon. Coords for the Harpoon gun are 32 , 24. When you arrive here pick one of the harpoon guns. What you need to do is find a vrykul flying around on a Proto-Drake and open fire. You'll need to hit them 3-4 times in order to kill them so be sure to spam your Harpoons.
Other Daily Quests
This next set of dailies comes from Death's Rise which is southwest of The Shadowvault. There are 3 dailies here, all of which are worth doing. If you need help finding Death's Rise take a quick look at the location on my map below.
From Their Corpses, Rise!
This quest is given to you by Setaal Darkmender at Death's Rise. It requires you to fly northwest to Onslaught Harbor and kill the Scarlet Onslaught that are located here. When you kill one of the Scarlet Onslaught you will need to use Darkmender's Tincture on their body to transform them into a ghoul and recieve credit for the quest.
Intelligence Gathering
This quest is given to you by Aurochs Grimbane at Death's Rise. It requires you to fly northwest to the Onslaught Harbor and kill the Scarlet Onslaught that are located here. When you kill the Scarlet Onslaught they may drop Scarlet Onslaught Trunk Keys. These can be used to open the chests all around the Harbor that have roughly a 30% chance to drop the Onslaught Intel Documents which will give you credit for the quest.
No Fly Zone
This quest is given to you by Uzo Deathcaller. You will need to complete all of the regular quests at the harbor from Lord Commander Arete first. This quest requires you to kill 10 Onslaught Gryphon Riders in Onslaught Harbor. Using the Gryphon provided for the quest is optional, I find not using it is MUCH faster.