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The Mechanar

- 1 in 4 instances located in Netherstorm

- Most popular heroic back in the day since it gave 5 badges

- hardest part of the instance is the final path to the last boss

- also have a quick write up about the tempest forge destroyers and how much damage they put out


Mechano-Lord Capacitus

- works like thaddius in naxx

Normal Loot Table:

Warp Engineer's Prismatic Charm

Plasma Rat's Hyper-Scyth

Lunar-Claw Pauldrons

Hammer of the Penitent

Thoriumweave Cloak

Schematic: Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite

Heroic Loot Table:

Everything that he drops on Normal.

(Also has a chance to drop:)

Defender's Tanzanite

Shining Fire Opal

Assassin's Fire Opal


Nethermancer Sepethrea

- kite away from elementals

- don't kite near or down hallway on the way to the next boss or you'll get adds

- a good strategy is to clear the whole room

Normal Loot Table:

Cosmic Lifeband

Manual of the Nethermancer

Jade-Skull Breastplate



Heroic Loot Table:

Everything she drops on Normal

(Also has a chance to drop:)

Defender's Tanzanite

Shining Fire Opal

Assassin's Fire Opal


Pathaleon the Calculator

- mention the pulls before him being the hardest part of the encounter

- can do all the pulls then wipe and fight boss

- don't get over zealous, use crowd control

Normal Loot Table:

Tunic of Assassination

Beast Lord Helm

Incanter's Cowl

Moonglade Robe

Telescopic Sharprifle

Molten Earth Kilt

Baba's Cloak of Arcanistry

Abacus of Violent Odds

Edge of Cosmos

Helm of the Righteous

Dath'Remar's Ring of Defense

Mana Wrath

Heroic Loot Table:

Vanquisher's Legplates

Boots of the Pious

Handguards of the Steady

The Sun Eater

As well as everything that drops on Normal

(Also has a chance to drop:)

Defender's Tanzanite

Shining Fire Opal

Assassin's Fire Opal