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Hyacinth Macaw Farming Location (Classic - WoTLK)

Hyacinth Macaw Pirates to Farm

Farming for the Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) will be one of the most annoying and time consuming things you'll ever farmed for. This is the rarest out of combat vanity pet in the game with only a .02% chance of actually dropping, making it as rare as an epic item.

Aside from the Hyacinth Macaw you'll be able to make money farming this location by selling all of the Mageweave Cloth that you get as drops on the Auction House. You'll get some Silk Cloth farming here too buy Mageweave (thankfully) drops more often. You may be able to sell the Volatile Rum that drops too on the AH but it won't sell nearly as well as the cloth.

For those of you that care about this sort of thing, you'll also earn reputation with all of the Steamwheedle Cartel factions while you hunt these pirates. Each pirate gives you 5 reputation with Booty Bay and either 2 or 3 with all of the other Goblin factions. Aside from this location there are only a handful of other locations where you can earn reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel. There is no benefit from being fully Exalted with them, but you will get a discount on prices if you're Honored.

Map of the Hyacinth Macaw Farming

As always, players with gathering professions will benefit a lot more while farming here. Mining in particular since there seems to be many more mines than herbs here - most of the herbs you come across will be Stranglekelp which you'll have to swim out of your way for... No problem for Druids!

As far as mines go you'll find Iron and Mithril in the area usually. If it wasn't obvious already, you'll only find the mines on the shores, if you go into the water and over to the pirate boats you're not going to find any mines. Herbalists will find Stranglekelp, Kingsblood, Wild Steelbloom, Liferoot, Purple Lotus and Goldthorn.


Items of Interest

Mageweave Cloth

Silk Cloth

Valuable Herbs

Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)