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Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon Farming Guide (Classic - WoTLK)

Pyromancer Loregrain

Another one of the Enchants that you can only farm from an instance is Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon. This Enchant drops from Pyromancer Loregrain in Blackrock Depths, an out of the way boss that not many groups running this dungeon ever defeat.

You'll find Pyromancer Loregrain nearby the Ring of Law/Arena; he's right next to the statue that you complete the Dark Iron Legacy quest at for the Shadowforge Key. For the most part unless a group is doing the quest to get this key they won't bother going in the direction of this boss since he is kind of out of the way.

Classes with Stealth can band together and form a stealth group to specifically farm this NPC for his recipe. Due to the value of this recipe it's not uncommon for groups to do this, Fiery is one of the best twink enchants you can get on a weapon.

Pyromancer Loregrain Map Location

Depending on your server I would recommend browsing the Auction House before trying to farm this NPC. On my server, Atiesh Horde, the Fiery Weapon recipe is currently only selling for 5g each, the reason for this is likely due to the fact that so many people are still running BRD for their keys/quests/leveling. As time goes on the amount of people killing this boss will decrease and the value of the recipe will go up.

In addition to the Fiery Weapon enchant, you'll find a ton of Runecloth and greens/grays in BRD. You'll also fine Dark Iron Deposits, which if you're a Miner you can get Dark Iron Ore from. Last but not least Dark Iron Residue drops throughout all of BRD from the humanoid mobs. This is one of the items that you have to turn in for Thorium Brotherhood Reputation and you may be able to sell it on the Auction House depending on your server.