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Mageweave Cloth Farming in Hinterlands (Classic - WotLK)

Jinthaalor Blood DrinkerJintha Alor Map Location

Mageweave Cloth is usually one of the most expensive cloths on the auction house accompanied by Runecloth and Wool. Out of the three, Mageweave is probably tied with Runecloth for the easiest to farm and surprising enough it is still worth a ton of money! One of the best places I've found to farm for Mageweave Cloth is at Jintha'alor in The Hinterlands. Here you will find a bunch of trolls which are elite and part of many different quests for Horde players in the Hinterlands.

The trolls in Jintha'alor have about a 30% chance to drop anywhere from 1 to 4 pieces of Mageweave Cloth. What your gear is like will determine how fast you can kill the trolls here which, of course, will determine how much gold you will be making an hour.

In addition to the Mageweave Cloth that you'll get from farming here another valuable item that these trolls drop is Wildvine. It's used in some very good crafting recipes in Tailoring as well as recipes that are added later in the game during Zul'gurub.

Ghost Mushroom
Ghost Mushroom

Another perk to farming in Jintha'Alor, is if you're a Herbalist you will be able to collect Ghost Mushrooms from the caves at the top of Jintha'Alor. Ghost Mushrooms are used in many of the more valuable Alchemy recipes (like Shadow Power potions and Limited Invulnerability) and can be sold for quite a bit usually on the Auction House.

Of course, last but not least are the Solid Chests which you can find scattered throughout the Elite Trolls will sometimes hold Mithril or Iron or which you can also sell on the Auction House. Of course the chests will also have some grey items, a green and generally a good amount of silver for you too.


Items of Interest:

Grey Items to Vendor

Mageweave Cloth

Greens & Blues to disenchant


Troll Sweat (Destroy if you need Inventory Space)