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Badlands Mithril Farming

You may have remember Badlands being the shizzit before the Cataclysm for farming Mithril Ore... Well guess what, it's still dah bomb! Much like all of the other Mithril farming locations it really doesn't matter where you start. However, one unique thing about Badlands that makes it different than all other Mithril Farming locations is there are actually two good paths that I found here. Very rarely does this happen when farming but it happened here. Now, the first path that I found which I will refer to as Path 1 cuts out 1/4 of the zone. Now you may be like woah, 1/4 of the zone? How can that be good? Well, there is enough Mithril in the part of the zone that I documented to easily support you and you won't even need the extra 1/4.

As for the second path, which you could have guessed I will refer to as Path 2, will take you through the entire zone. Both locations start at the same area and end in the same area and besides path 2 being longer, they both give the same amount of Mithril. Well, without talking about it anymore, let's start off by looking at path 1.

Badlands Mithril Farming Path

Path 1 starts at Dustbelch Grotto in southwest Badlands. Here you will find a cave of ogres and a lot of Mithril outside of the cave. From here you will want to head east, following the mountains across southern Badlands until you reach the little excavation camp of Blood Elves on the map. It is the little symbol in the corner of the mountains that looks like this - ^ . From here you will want to continue north passing the entrance of Lethlor Ravine (Which is part of path 2).

Continue north and fly around the mountains just south of Camp Krogg, ignore the path that leads north to Loch Modan and continue west past the Angor Fortress continuing even further west, following the mountains still under you look around New Kargath and fly back down south to where the ogres are. That is all there is to this path! Now as mentioned before path 2 will cover the entire zone. Really the only difference between path 2 and path 1 is that path 2 will cover Lethlor Ravine.

Badlands Mithril Farming Video:


Badlands Mithril Farming Path (2)

Starting at the same place as path 1, the Dustbelch Grotto you will want to fly east along the mountains all the way until you reach the little camp of Blood Elves. From them you will want to turn north and instead of flying pass Lethlor Ravine's entrance, this time you will want to fly further east and into the opening of the mountains. Once inside the ravine stick to the southern mountains, I have found more Mithril along the southern mountains than the others throughout the ravine. If you're at all confused just use my map as a reference.

Once you have gathered everything inside of the ravine fly north out of it and stick to the northern mountains before continuing west across the open valley. Once across the valley it will be time to stick to the northern mountain range again and follow that all the way around, looping around New Kargath and continuing back down south to the starting point, Dustbelch Grotto.


Badlands Mithril Farming Video (2)

Items of Interest

Mithril Ore

Gold Ore

Truesilver Ore

Solid Stone



Star Ruby

Black Vitriol