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Wool Cloth Farming Locating in Hillsbrad (Classic - WoTLK)

Another good place for Horde players to farm Wool Cloth is at the Mudsnout Gnolls in Hillsbrad Foothills. The small farm they are located at is terribly small but the upside is they are jam packed together. If you are farming them in your 20s then you won't be able to kill the whole farmstead before they start repopping, if you're here past that though you may be able to clear it and have to wait for respawns. However if you are here past your 20s you should really consider going and farming either SFK, Stockades or the alternate location in Hillsbrad.

Herbalists will be able to find some extra goodies while farming here but miners won't find much since the area surrounding the farm isn't very hilly. As for loot everyone can use, be sure to check around the shack by the farm for a chest that spawns here. Besides what I have already told you... The only crucial piece of advice that I can give is don't go crazy and try to pull everything here. The mudsnouts that cast really hurt and can do some serious damage to you if you pull too many.

Mudsnouth Wool Cloth Farming Video:

Additional Note: Killing one of the Mudsnout mobs will start a quest where all you need to do is kill 10 more and you will be rewarded with XP and reputation with Undercity.

Items of Interest:

Linen Cloth

Wool Cloth

Silk Cloth

Low Level Greens

Low Level Herbs (If you have herbalism)

Low Level Ore