Mageweave Cloth Farming at Darkcloud Pinnacle
Darkcloud Pinnacle in Thousand Needles is a great place to get your Mageweave Cloth Farming on. Here you will find dozens of Grimtotem to kill. The biggest group of them is on the central platform (on the map its the one right above where it says Darkcloud Pinnacle with the picture of the little hut on it). At the lower levels you will never run out of Grimtotem to kill on the center platform but as you go up in levels you may run out of Grimtotem to kill so you may have to switch platforms (as seen in the video).
On the big platform I recommend avoiding the giant hut at the far southern end. The only NPC inside is an elite and he will not only do a good deal of damage to you at a lower level he is a pain in the rear to kill and is a waste of time if you're only here for Mageweave. As far as mines and herbs go, you won't find a single one here, well you will find some herbs here but they will only be Stranglekelp and in order to get to them you will need to go swimming.
Mageweave Cloth Farming Video:
Items of Interest
Mageweave Cloth
Silk Cloth
Vendor Trash