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Kukuwajack - Borderlands 3 Farming Guides

Location: Negul Neshai on Xylourgos
Part of: Crew Challenge
Drops: Frozen Devil (Maliwan Pistol) and Anarchy (Tediore Shotgun)

Kukuwajack is a Crew Challenge that you'll find in Negul Neshai, a zone on the planet Xylourgos which is part of the Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC for Borderlands 3. You'll find the Kukuwajack in the large building that resides in the western most portion of Negul Neshai. To reach the Kukuwajack you'll need to take an elevator up into this building then cross over some pipes (the same route you took while doing the story mission here) to make it to the Kukuwajack.

As far as loot goes, there are two guns on the Kukuwajack's dedicated drop list: Frozen Devil (Maliwan Pistol) and Anarchy (Tediore Shotgun). The Frozen Devil is unique to the Kukuwajack and is difficult if not impossible to find from other enemies throughout the Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC. Anarchy can drop off of the Kukuwajack as well as any other enemy from this DLC; it only has a higher drop rate off of the Kukuwajack.