Playstation 2 Reviews
This page here is going to be an index page for all of my Playstation 2 reviews. As with many out there I grew up with a Playstation 2 so this console holds a lot of great memories for me. This is the last Playstation console I purchased as well, I made the switch to xbox then to computers.
With my reviews you'll notice I gravitate towards RPGs and action adventures. I will review other games but the games I enjoy most are those that engage the brain.
I will decide on a better format at some point in the future, my goal right now is just to catalogue my reviews. You'll notice that the pictures are out of place and some of them are formatted differently than others. I am currently experimenting and trying to decide what I like best. I may one day move my reviews to another website if I can never find a format that I like for them here. Keep in mind that this entire section is a work in progress, as you can see by me only having one or two games per console atm.