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Kael Drakkel - Northern Camp

In the northern portion of Kael Drakkal, just north of the 'field' area which is also north of the PvP Arena you'll find my favorite place to camp in Kael Drakkel. There is only one tricky pull from this camp and it's the three mobs standing just on the otherside of the crystal wall that mark Kallis Stormcaller's named spawn location. I will get more into the two nameds that can spawn here, first let me go over the details of the camp. From this camp you will want to pull from the bridge just right of where you're camping (if you're facing away from the camp) and from the big field to the south of the camp.

You will only want to pull one patrolling mob from the bridge which is a placeholder for a named that spawns on the bridge Derakor the Vindicator. The only other named in comfortable pulling range is the one right on the other side of the see through ice in front of the camp. Both of these nameds are extremely difficult for tier 1 nameds. One of the nameds has a nasty knockback that damages everyone in range and the other named can't be slowed and spawns two more giants that have more HP than a usual giant. Kallis, the named that knockbacks also comes with two adds but you can pull him out of his if you're good.

Honestly, Derakor is such a difficult named he is harder in my book than most T2 nameds that I have fought.

As you can see from the picture above, the safest place to camp is just behind the crystal wall where the little blue circle is on my map. From here you will be able to pull the named on the bridge quite easily as well as the area south of Kallis, which are the mobs we are primarily going to be killing for experience in this zone. Depending on how much DPS you have there is a chance you will run out of mobs to kill despite there being quite a few to kill.

One thing I strongly recommend though is do not pull from inside the building to the north. There is a ritualist mob in here that is ungodly overpowered. They are used for a task and every time I have tried to take them out without having the item involved in the task to weaken them, they laid waste to me. The best advice I can give for this camp though is to split up the 3 mobs by Kallis' spawn location as soon as you can. They will always come together but what I like to do is burn down 2 really fast then leave the 3rd one up for about 50 ~ 60s.

After you kill all three of them on the next spawn cycle pull the two before the third spawns and then leave the third one up for 2 - 3 minutes before killing him. This will split up the group for you so that when the named spawns you will only have to fight him and one add instead of two.

Also the Giants here drop a set of Collectibles that count towards the Sliver of Fear Collectible Achievement. I have sold a few of the collectibles from this set for 45k pp or more sometimes. Definitely worth looting them and putting them on your trader!


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