Old Sebilis (Old Seb)
In order for you to enter Old Sebilis in Kunark you will first need to get the key to Old Seb. To do this you will need to kill a Froglok Hunter and Froglok Forager out in Trakanon's Teeth and turn in the key to Emperor Ganak in the far southern end of the zone. Once you have the key you can head over to Old Sebilis which is in the far southeastern end of the zone.
During Kunark Old Sebilis is one of the most popular zones for leveling and for grouping since a lot of nice items drop here and a lot of named mobs spawn here. For this reason, as you could imagine, it is very important that you get keyed for Old Sebilis as soon as possible. Now, Old Seb can generally support 80 people or so before over crowding starts to become a serious issue but it starts to get annoying around 60 to 70. For this guide I am going to try and break it down into different sections. One for each camp and a little bit about that camp and also just general knowledge on the zone itself.
Camp 1 - Nec/Guard
I've actually never seen this camp called in /ooc but I do see groups frequently coming over here when no other camps are available. Believe it or not it is actually a semi decent camp. The XP starts to dwindle during the upper levels passing like 54 but it keeps all of the hallways around seb clear. In the first picture I am looking at the building which will lead you to the little stone you will run across to zone out of seb. You should remember your way to the zone's exit because if anyone brings a train through that is going to be how you survive.
As far as named mobs go you probably won't see any in this camp and if you do they will be few and far between. The only named mobs this camp gets is from pulling out of other camps. One end has Disco mobs and the other end has Chef mobs. A few of the named mobs you will see here are:
Click here to see the easiest way to get to this camp from the entrance of Old Seb.
Sebilite Guardian
A Necrosis Scarab
Random Zone Drops (Some)
Now there are some random mob drops in Old Sebilis. This means that they dont drop from a named but still have a chance to drop here. In addition to the random items that drop I will go over some of the other loot as well. Some of the stuff you will be seeing on almost every mobs or every other mob. That way you know what is actually vendor trash and what to keep!