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Korascian Warrens Headshot Guide

Warrens and Toskirakk are two of the final zones you will be Headshotting before being able to do Feerott. Warrens is a bit frustrating and you should most definitely expect to die a few times here. Especially as you are learning the location. There are some mobs in our Headshot camp that can not be Headshot. You'll need to pull your merc out for these unless you plan to just shoot them for 10 minutes as you wait for them to die. There are also quite a few named mobs that spawn around the camp.

Most of the nameds are easy to kill but they do summon which means you most definitely will need your merc or to be geared to the teeth for your level (plus a lot of AAs of course). The mobs in Warrens can quad for up to 3k with each hit. Get unlucky enough, you can go down rather quickly. A lot of the times you can get off without a hitch here though. Your biggest concern more than anything should be the uneven terrain that you have to kite on.

It makes it exceptionally hard to Vinelash mobs sometimes and can result in Vinelash going off, initiating the cooldown and none of the mobs being rooted. Scary thought, is it not? Now I know, I know, I've probably scared you into coming here. Well you should be! This Warrens camp is a big black hole where dreams come to die! Kidding, but this camp did aggravate me so much I stopped playing my Ranger for awhile. Sorry, honesty =/.

The camp we will be visiting is in the northern end of Korascian Warrens. Getting there is the easy part, pop invis and run north through the tunnel system. Below is a map showing you where the location is. The big blue circle shows you the location where all the mobs are which we will be killing.

The large area right before the Rathe Chambers zoneline is the main area of mobs which we will be killing. However the hallway leading to this camp is also great experience and may I add, much safer than the area further north. I know that I make this location seem frightening but I think the problem was I only had 2k AAs when I came here. Despite most of them being invested into AAs which improve my tanking abilities I still died too fast. An easy fix to this was keep my merc out but Headshotting with a merc is ehh.

Warrens should be used as a transitioning phase. You just want to make it through these few levels as fast as possible so you can reach Feerrot where you will really start to shine with Headshot. And of course Warrens does have a few percs. For example the loot here is outstanding. Purity augs drop constantly as well as Tradeskill materials, named loot and probably the most awesome drops are the zone-wide augs that you can find.

So I guess that in closing, despite having my major disagreements with this zone I must at least acknowledge that the loot here is outstanding and the experience actually is pretty darn good too. During a single Ceremonial Elixir of Scholorship I was getting 15% regular experience at level 94. Sometimes more when I didn't need to pop my merc to take out one of the non-Headshot mobs.