Field of Scale Headshot Guide
Field of Scale is the best location to headshot since Plane of Fire. It's a refreshing change after having to slave away 5 whole levels without a single good place to Headshot. Blackburrow was alright but let's face it, it was really annoying. There are two places to Headshot in Field of Scale, the field and the city. I personally hate the field since it has mobs that can't be headshot at 90, can't be rooted or snared and that summon mixed in with the mobs you can Headshot.
So for the sake of this guide and your sanity I am only going to cover the city in the southeastern end of Field of Scale. There are still some mobs you can't Headshot here but they are really out of the way; usually on the second floor of a building in the camp, or third floor in some cases. There is also a pack of nameds that runs around which you have to watch out for. They stop in the largest building of the camp without a zoneline and spend most of their time there.
Note: Even at 91 with the new rank of Headshot you can NOT Headshot the mobs which were Dark Blue at 90.
Depending on if you are alone or not you may not have to pull these mobs to anywhere in the camp. Instead you might just be able to kill them where they stand. If you need to pull them anywhere take a look at the map of this camp below. Where you see the green Xs up north is where the group should wait as you pull. All of the mobs can run across the entire city to the camp so you don't need to worry about any leashing.
If you are pulling the mobs through the camp the biggest issue you will face is the mobs sometimes get stuck in corners and just on plain walls as you try to pull them out of the building. The only way in which you can fis that is by running perfectly straight once you make it out of one of the buildings. It's difficult to do because with some buildings you'll have to take some hits doing it. While these mobs do hit hard a few hits shouldn't shake you up that badly.
Chances are you will be spending quite awhile here in Field of Scale. I strongly recommend you build up a couple thousand AAs before leveling to 93 (which will be done at this location as well) at which point you will be moving to Toskirakk or Warrens, whichever you prefer. It gets boring here quick so I recommend only grabbing the important Tank AAs. This will really help you out later because after we get done with the Field of Scale the mobs we are going to be fighting start to hit exceptionally hard.
While there are a lot of mobs to kill in the camp you will often kill them all before you get any respawns. In this case you can either go afk in the safe spot I mentioned earlier or clear the few Iksars outside of the city (just outside the doors). Also if there are no other Rangers at the field to the north you can clear out all of the Sarnaks here. Aside from those Sarnaks leave the field alone. The rest of the mobs are extremely annoying as some can't be rooted nor Headshot at our level.
In closing, you will be spending a lot of time in Field of Scale. It's one of the best camps and some of the best Headshot experience since PoFire. Enjoy it while it lasts because the next zone is Korascian Warrens. Unless you're lucky enough to get Tosk when it is open.
P.S - If you run out of mobs you can also kill the Iksars just inside the entrance to Kaesora Library once you reach level 91. You may be able to do them at 90 too but I never tried.