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TSS Everquest Farming Locations

The TSS Attuneable gear is on par with Elaborate defiant which means it'll hold value even after defiant gear is released. Additionally, defiant gear mostly only covers visible slots which means any TSS gear that goes into your off slots won't even compete with defiant in The Bazaar, making it more valuable.

If you're reading this guide and playing on a server like Firiona Vie or Brekt, keep in mind that the Attuneable trait doesn't have and affect on you, since all items are tradeable on these servers it means gear is much more plentiful & it will greatly devalue the items mentioned on this page. The people that will most benefit from the information on this page are those playing on regular servers.


Evergleam Coif Oldbone Skull

Stone Hoop Wirewick Belt


Farming Attuneable Gear in the TSS expansion is much easier than during OoW. There's quite a few zones that you can go to in order to farm it and many.... many different nameds to hunt. The zones you'll want to check out are The Steppes, Icefall Glacier, Direwind Cliffs and Sunderrock Springs.


Solo/Duoers & Small Groups

The Steppes - This zone has a mixture of enemies between levels 60 - 75. Hunt in the level 60 section (southern part) if you need something very easy.

Taruskor (Icefall Glacier) - This named is standing right out in the open, alone, south of the wizard portal and makes an easy target.

Icefall Glacier - Aside from the name mentioned above, there's many spots in the southern part of the zone for soloers/duoers to hunt nameds.

Direwind Cliffs - Well geared smaller groups will be able to handle the nameds in the southwestern/southern portion of this zone. The rest of the zone will require a larger group or very good gear for smaller groups.


Full Groups & Boxers