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Omens of War Attuneable Gear Farming

The Omens of War expansion pack is one of the first expansions in the game that adds Attuneable gear, so before I get into the specifics of where to farm it, let's first explain what makes it so valuable! Attuneable Gear in Everquest is gear that can be traded to other players or sold in The Bazaar until it's equipped. Once it's equipped onto a character it becomes NO DROP and can no longer be sold/traded.

Depending on the server you're playing on, it's very likely that this gear will retain value forever. Servers like Firiona Vie and Brekt the Attuneable quality doesn't matter - but any server with regular loot rules will find this gear to be quite valuable. The reason for this is simple... There isn't much gear to go around while leveling up in EQ, especially levels 70+ when Defiant Gear is phased out.

If you're reading this guide prior to Defiant Gear being released on your server, OoW Attuneables will be worth the most that they'll ever be worth. If Secrets of Faydwer is live on your server and Defiant Gear is dropping, the Attuneable items you find in Omens of War zones will be worth a little bit less.

Ring of Regrowth Silken Turban of Serfdom

Sleeves of Constriction


The best place for you to farm Attuneable Gear in the Omens of War expansion pack is Wall of Slaughter. You'll find a dozen different named enemies to hunt throughout the zone, each of them with their own unique loot tables. The armor pieces and jewelry you find will be the most valuable items, weapons/shields don't sell for as much or retain their value long term.

In addition to the gear we're farming here the nameds will also drop Muramite Runes which are used for the Omens of War spells. If you're reading this and your server is at least 4 expansions ahead of Omens of War, the Muramite Runes won't be worth jack squat since the OoW spells will be sold in PoK now.


Continue to my Wall of Slaughter Zone Guide (With Named Locations & Loot Tables)