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Treasure Hunting - RoS Collectibles Achievement






Ancient Insects (Sathir's Tomb)


You'll find this set of collections as ground spawns around Sathir's Tomb.

- Ancient Tomb Scarab
- Ancient Corpse Moth
- Ancient Dust Spider
- Ancient Stone Mite
- Ancient Cloth Weevil
- Ancient Deadwasp
- Ancient Centipede
- Ancient Brightmoth


Crypt Dust (Sathir's Tomb)


This set of collectibles drops from the undead enemies in the eastern portion of the zone. Both Crypt Dust and Sebilisian Medallions drop from the same enemies, those of you looking to farm these two collectible sets I would recommend the Xalgoz camp in the zone.

- Corpse Dust
- Bone Dust
- Scale Dust
- Iron Dust
- Gold Dust
- Mold Dust
- Magic Dust
- Dried Blood Dust


Sebilisian Medallions (Sathir's Tomb)


- Black Golden Death's Head Medal
- Blue Golden Death's Head Medal
- Green Golden Death's Head Medal
- Red Golden Death's Head Medal
- Iron Death's Head Medal
- Silver Death's Head Medal
- Blood-bathed Death's Head Medal
- Blood-bathed Deathblade Medal


Tomb Tokens (Sathir's Tomb)


- Ancient Brass Coin
- Ancient Copper Coin
- Ancient Lead Coin
- Ancient Silver Coin
- Ancient Gold Coin
- Ancient Platinum Coin
- Ancient Brellium Coin
- Ancient Steel Coin