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Cultivating is one of the 4 Gathering Tradeskills in Warhammer Online. It will allow players to use Seeds or Spores to grow Weeds or Fungi. Both Weeds and Fungi are commonly used in the Apothecary Tradeskill. When you first start out with Cultivating you will have two plant plots available to you, the third one becomes available at level 50 and the fourth at level 75.

Below is a picture of what your cultivating window will look like.

Take a look at the 4 plots that are all separated by lines, As you can see I already have two plants growing in these plots. You can also see how much time I have left on these plants by looking at the number in the middle of the picture of the plant. Also you can tell if I have Water, Nutrient's and Soil by looking at the pictures. (If I do they will be lit up, as they are.) You can also see what stage the process is on by looking at which one of the 3 ingredients has a green ring around it. In the picture you can see the ring around the + sign, which is the final process, Nutrients.

To view a plot left click on the one you want.

Now here is a view of the plot while I have a plant growing in it. When you put a seed in the plot (Upper left hand corner) you will have 20 seconds to add soil to the plot. If you don't it will skip that stage and you will have 20 seconds to add water. The same goes for Nutrients. Adding any of these 3 ingredients will shorten the time it takes to grow the plant and may also improve the outcome of the plant.

While the plant is growing it will also have an Uproot option, this will cancel the growing process and you will lose everything you put into making the plant. When the process is done you will have a Harvest option, click this to harvest your plant, any thing that you get will be placed in your inventory.

You can buy the ingredients used for Cultivating off Merchants from levels 1-25 then 50-200. You can only buy level 1 seeds and spores, however. To get upgraded spores and seeds you will need to break up the plants you make into seeds and spores. To do this take a plant in your inventory and hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and right click the plant. This will break it down into a seed of its level and a stabilizer.

When you harvest a plant there is also a chance you may "Crit". When you crit you may get an upgraded plant, or more plants. If you use Soil, a Watering Can and Nutrient your chance to crit will be increased. Also when you're cultivating you may get a Spectacular Harvest, which awards you with a pigment that can be used in Apothecary to create Dyes.

Here is a path I put together to help you level Cultivating quickly. You can use any type of seed you want, I'm just giving this as an example. Also if you want to level Cultivating at a slower rate, you don't need to use the Soil, Watering can or Gore at all.

Use the following off merchants until level 25
Musty Elvish Parsley Seed
Arid Soil
Rusted Tin Watering Can
Clotted Gore

Use the following off merchants until level 50
Arid Soil
Rusted Tin Watering Can
Clotted Gore
Break Down the Bitter Elvish Parsley into Bitter Elvish Parsley Seed

Use the following until level 75
Damp Soil
Slender Watering Can
Moldering Entrails
Break Down the Grasping Elvish Parsley into Grasping Elvish Parsley Seed

Use the following until level 100
Damp Soil
Slender Watering Can
Moldering Entrails
Break Down the Mordant Elvish Parsley into Mordant Elvish Parsley Seed

Use the following until level 125
Moistened Soil
Polished Brass Watering Can
Steaming Entrails
Break Down the Pygmy Elvish Parsley into Pygmy Elvish Parsley Seeds

Use the following until level 150
Moistened Soil
Polished Brass Watering Can
Steaming Entrails
Break Down the Dwarf Elvish Parsley into Dwarf Elvish Parsley Seeds

Use the following until level 175
Fertile Soil
Shining Steel Watering Can
Blackened Viscera
Break Down the Vibrant Elvish Parsley into Vibrant Elvish Parsley Seeds

Use the following until 200
Fertile Soil
Shining Steel Watering Can
Blackened Viscera
Break Down Aromatic Elvish Parsley into Aromatic Elvish Parsley Seeds



Q: How do I get Blue and Epic Soil/Nutrients/Water?

A: Public quests will reward you with the best soil and water. The best Nutrients comes from Butchering animals with the Butchering Tradeskill.

Q: I've been looking all over Inevitable City/Altdorf and I can't find any vendor that sells level 1 Seeds/Spores. Where are they?

A: Head to any of the Tier 1 Towns, you will find them at the vendors here.


Here are a few links that I found useful on Cultivating;


Warhammer Alliance Cultivating Forums

Warhammer Alliance Cultivating Guide

Irinia's Cultivating Seed list