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The Sickle of Kronos - Act 3 Story Quest

The Sickle of Kronos Act 3 Quest Start

The Sickle of Kronos (Act 3) is the first quest you will be given upon entering Act 3 through the portal. You will complete the The Sickle of Kronos (Act 2) at the same time as you receive the Act 3 version of this quest. Completion of this quest on Normal difficulty will reward you with your 3rd and final Inventory Bag, so it's definitely a quest you do not want to skip if you're being power leveled.

For this quest you will need to go up to the top of the Gardens of Babylon where you'll find the entrance to the Temple of Marduk. Getting inside the temple will be more challenging than the Temple of Marduk itself since the stairs in Titan Quest aren't easy to navigate.

At the bottom of the temple you'll find a Chimera boss which guards the sickle chamber. More information on defeating that boss is below.

Chimera Boss in the Temple of Marduk

In the same room with the Chimera you'll find multiple traps - if you're melee they can typically be easily avoided but casters and ranged will probably want to take out the traps prior to fighting the boss. The Chimera uses 3 different attacks, one from each head. These attacks will consist of Physical, Fire and Lightning damage so those are the resists you'd want to stack the most for this fight.

All in all, this is one of the easier bosses you'll have to fight in the game. Once you've defeated the Chimera go into the adjacent room and speak with the injured woman on the floor to update and complete your quest. Speaking with Feiyan will both complete this quest and begin the next one, The Hunt for the Sickle.