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The Secret Depot - Atlantis Side Quest

The Secret Depot Quest Start

Start Location: Atlas Mountains
Quest Location: Atlas Mountains
Objective: Open the secret depot area and clear out the Basilisks

The Secret Depot is a Side Quest that takes place in the Atlantis Expansion pack and can be started by speaking with Baka. You'll find Baka in the Atlas Mountains, he's a little bit off the main path in a side area that you will pass by shortly after going through

For this quest what you will need to travel into the cave north of Baka and clear out the Basilisks in the secret storage room. In order to open the door that leads into the secret storage room you'll need to click on the Suspicious Stone (pictured below) which is found just before the stairs that lead down into another area. Clicking on this stone will open the door that leads to the room with Basilisks.

Note: Follow the stairs down next to the Suspicious Stone that opens the door to the secret storage room and you'll find the Clockwork Contraption quest item which is used in the Mysterious Artifacts Side Quest. I recommend you grab this while we're in the area.

Suspicious Stone for The Secret Depot