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Xanthippus The Healer - Act 1 Side Quest

Xanthippus the healer quest start

Start Location: Herakleion
Quest Location: Tritons Ridge
Objective: Obtain Xanthippus' staff and give it to him

Xanthippus the Healer is one of the last side quests available in Act 1 and can be acquired by speaking with Hippocoon in Herakleion or by talking with Xanthippus himself in Tritons Ridge. For this side quest you'll need to go inside of the cave right next to Xanthippus and retrieve his staff which can be found inside of a chest.

In order to open the chest you'll need to first defeat Runelord K'kin'zir - Arachnos Hero as he is the chests guardian. If you need help locating Xanthippus check my map screenshot below for additional guidance.

Xanthippus outside cave in Tritons Ridge
Xanthippus in Tritons Ridge.

Xanthippus the Healer Map Locations