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The Lost Dowry - Act 1 Side Quest

The Lost Dowry Quest Start

Start Location: Laconia Hills
Quest Location: Natural Cave in Laconia Hills
Objective: Defeat Pandarus in the neary cave and return the necklace to Theages

The Lost Dowry is the fourth Side Quest available in the game and it starts by talking with Theages, a man just off the road in Laconia Hills. He will ask you to go into a nearby cave and defeat Pandarus - Thieving Eurynomus, the little demon imp that stole the necklace.

You'll find the cave northeast of Theages, it's rather small so you won't have a hard time finding Pandarus. Defeat him then return the necklace to Theages to complete the quest. If you need to see the map location of where the cave or Theages is check out my screenshot below.

Pandarus Thieving Eurynomus for Lost Dowry
Pandarus ~ Thieving Eurynomus carries the Lost Dowry you need.

The Lost Dowry Map Locations