Nar Shaddaa Datacron Locations
Coordinates: X -3363 , Y 248
This Datacron is located in the Nikto Sector of Nar Shaddaa and is only available to Republic Players. To reach this Datacron head over to Nar Shaddaa and take a speeder to the Nikto Sector. Once you arrive head to the far northwestern section of Nikto Sector, right where I am in (Screenshots 1 & 2). You will want to jump up on top of the boxes in (Screenshot 1) and then onto the large crate in front of the boxes. Once you're on the crate continue up the boxes to the east and jump across to the next crate (Screenshot 3). If you're having trouble making this jump, jump from the single crate, not the double stacked ones. The single crate will make it so you don't hit your head on the ceiling.
From the crate continue east by jumping onto the awning. Run across the awnings until you reach the second of the large metal things that connects to the awning holding it up (Screenshot 4). Hop onto this piece of metal and run up the tightrope until you can make it onto the large pipe at the end. Get onto this pipe and run across it over to where you originally were on the awnings (Screenshot 5). From here you will want to jump onto the pipe east of you and up onto the next pipe which is to the east as well.
Note: If you're having trouble with this jump, take it on an angle
From here run further east until you come to a small sign (Screenshot 6). This is one of the more difficult jumps since the area you need to land on is so small. But once you make it jump up onto the large a wee bit north and follow it around a bit east and south. From here you should be able to see the Datacron (Screenshot 7) , only a little bit more and it's ours! To reach it from where I am standing in Screenshot 7 turn a bit to the north and look down off of the column you are on (Screenshot 8). You'll see a small rope that leads to another column and then a rope from that column which leads to the Datacron. You're almost there so don't screw up now!
A final tip, don't bother jumping up to the Datacron's column. Grab it from the rope, why take the risk when you don't have to?
Coordinates: X 3339 , Y -3098
To reach this Datacron you will first need to go to the Red Light Sector area on Nar Shaddaa. From where you land on the speeder run northeast to the elevator that takes you down to the Gauntlet Gang Area (Careful if you're low level, it's a heroic area). If you're having difficulty finding where this elevator is take a look at (Screenshot 1). Once you're in the Gauntlet Gang Area head southwest to where I am in (Screenshots 2 & 3) to start your Datacron hunt!
In Screenshot 2 you will see a crate in front of me and a metal thingy. You need to jump onto the crate and then onto the metal thing. From here you will want to run up the awning (Screenshot 4). At the top of the awning jump up onto the platform and you will switch zones to the "Plaza Catwalks". To the south up here you will see an elevator which you will need to take to the Red Light Sector Catwalks. The second you come out of the elevator you will be able to see the Datacron in the distance (Screenshot 5).
It is pretty straight forward how to reach the Datacron from here.
Coordinates: X 2157 , Y -1586
This Datacron can be found in the Shadow Town Access Tunnels. To get here you will need to fly to Shadow Town which is in southeastern Nar Shaddaa. Once you arrive in Shadow Town you will want to go far southwest over near the Camp 27 Elevator (Screenshots 1 & 2). From where I am standing in Screenshot 1 you will want to hop onto the crates right in front of me and work your way up to the top of this pile. At the top of the pile you will be able to jump a bit to the south up onto a new area called "Shadow Town - Maintenance Access" (Screenshot 3).
Travel west across the Catwalk until you can make a right, make the right and go to where I am in (Screenshot 4). Here you will see more boxes and a support beam on the other end of the boxes. As you could probably guess you need to jump up onto the boxes and over to the support beam. Travel across the support beam until you find a pipe sticking out of the wall (Screenshot 5). Jump up onto this pipe and then onto the part of the pipe that is slightly higher than the one you just jumped on. Once you make it up there jump onto the large moth light looking thing. It's easy to overshoot this jump so be careful. I kind of aimed at the wall when I made the jump.
From the moth light thing you will want to turn around and look towards the large flat metal thing (Screenshot 6). This next jump looks like a doozy but actually isn't that difficult of a jump. What you need to do is jump from the flat metal thing to the crooked pipes to the north (Screenshot 7). Once you make the jump to this pipe make your way across it, heading in a northern direction, and fall down to the pipe right below (Screenshot 8). Make your way across this pipe and continue to the south jumping over and across any obstacles that get in your way.
Once you make it to the platform at the end of the pipes you'll find an elevator which you need to ride up to reach this Datacron (Screenshot 9). Once you're in the Shadow Town - Access Tunnels getting to this Datacron is extremely easy. All you need to do is follow the hallway until you reach the room a bit to the south and then bam, grab the Datacron.
Coordinates: X 1959 , Y -1591
This Datacron is located in the High Security Sector of Nar Shaddaa. To get here fly to the Lower Industrial Sector in southwestern Nar Shaddaa and make your way through the Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse. In the southeastern corner of the Warehouse you'll find an elevator that says "Systech East Elevator" (Screenshot 1). Take this elevator to the High Security Lockdown section. Once in the High Security Lockdown area make your way south to the Prison Yard area (Screenshots 2 & 3).
Where I am standing in (Screenshot 3) is where you will need to start your Datacron hunt. The location of where I am on the map can be seen in (Screenshot 2), if you're having difficulty finding it. From where I am in Screenshot 3 you will want to jump up onto the crates directly in front of me and follow the ramp up to the Catwalks. Once up here make your way northwest until you reach a computer terminal that says "Elevator" (Screenshots 4 & 5).
At this terminal choose the Incinerator Room option. Now in here you have to be quick since you'll be taking fire damage the entire time. I recommend reading this paragraph before even entering so you know exactly what needs to be done. Alright so once you're inside the Incinerator Room you need to jump down to the floor and run straight ahead to the Computer Terminal (Screenshot 6). At the terminal you must pick the correct code to open the door in front of you and reveal the Datacron. The correct code is 326:3827. It is the second code on the list.
After you acquire the Datacron make sure to access the Old Prize Machine right next to it. This will give you an item called Slot Decoder which is required for another Datacron coming up. Be sure to put this in a safe place in your inventory as it can be accidentally vendored!!!! To exit this area use the terminal to the north and follow the long hallway up and around back out to the High Security Sector.
Coordinates: X 1783 , -1545
WARNING: You need the Slot Decoder item that you get right after collecting the Cunning +3 Datacron on Nar Shaddaa. If you do not have this item you will not be able to get this Datacron.
This Datacron is located in the High Security Sector of Nar Shaddaa. To get here fly to the Lower Industrial Sector in southwestern Nar Shaddaa and make your way through the Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse. In the southeastern corner of the Warehouse you'll find an elevator that says "Systech East Elevator" (Screenshot 1). Take this elevator to the High Security Lockdown section. To reach the Network Security District you need to go to the far northern end of the High Security Sector (Screenshot 2).
The area you need to go to in order to start this Datacron hunt is in the center of the Network Security District. Here you will find a set of crates that you need to climb ontop of to begin this hunt (Screenshot 3 & 4). From the creates you need to jump from crate to crate until you make it ontop of the really large crate (Screenshot 5). From this crate you will be able to see a set of pipes right in front of you, as you could guess you will need to jump up onto them and continue north jumping from pipe to pipe from crate back to pipe.
Where I am standing in (Screenshot 6) is where you will want to end up after jumping up all of the pipes. If you're having trouble jumping from pipe to pipe start jumping on a diagonal. Jumping on a diagonal always works because you actually can run a few inches before jumping. Once uptop you're pretty much already at the Datacron. What you want to do is run across the upper level until you reach the Datacron, which is where you will notice something...
The Datacron is locked in the prize machine, which won't be a problem if you have the Slot Decoder item that I mentioned before which can be found next to the Cunning +3 Datacron. Using the Slot Decoder unlocks the Slot Machine and gives you immediate access to the Datacron. So, right click the Slot Machine and claim your prize!
Coordinates: X: -3699, Y: -1692
An annoying datacron to get to. You will need to get to a roof at -3790, -1667 and ride a very slow moving kiosk to the datacron. The ride will take about 5 minutes. Bring reading material.
Coordinates: X: 2930, Y: 400
Lots of jumping to reach this datacron. It all starts at 1599, -2665. Screenshots and a video of how to do this will be added in the future.
Coordinates: X: 2017, Y: 2441
You need to ride a taxi to this datacron from the Network Access Taxi station.