Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Guides
Strength +2
Coordinates: X: 726, Y: 171
There is a hidden path that leads to this datacron
Aim +2
Coordinates: X: -1017, Y: 1514
Very difficult datacron to explain how to retrieve. Will make a indepth guide soon for this one. But for now, just know it is inside the heroic area ontop of a pipe.
Willpower +2
Coordinates: X: 191, Y: -346
In order to retrieve this datacron you need to buy an item from a vendor to open the chest it is contained in. This datacron is available to both The Empire and The Republic although it has different stats on either faction.
Cunning +2
Coordinates: X: 1853, Y: 111
This datacron is located in the Balmorran Arms Factory.
Datacron - Green Matrix Shard
Coordinates: X: -505, Y: 1990
This datacron requires two people to get as they both need to simultaneously activate a switch.