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How to get Chrysamere - Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

Draramu Hloran in Abanabi

Location: Abanabi
Requirements: N/A
Video: How to get Chrysamere

Chrysamere is one of the most powerful Long Swords in all of Morrowind and is obtained from the dungeon of Abanabi. The easiest way to get to Abanabi is to take a boat to Sadrith Mora then travel a little southwest to the island with Abanabi. Inside the dungeon you'll be looking for Draramu Hloran who is wielding the Chrysamere.

If you're a member of the Imperial Legion you'll be tasked with retrieving this blade as part of the Lord's Mail Side Quest. To complete this side quest you'll have to give up both the Lord's Mail as well as the Chrysamere weapon.

Abanabi Map Location

