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Extract Aether Guide 150 - 200

Big Vortex

A tad bit higher Altitude in Morheim you can find the Big Vortex's that you need for 150 skill. These Big Vortex's have more of a "mixed" altitude then the other ones you've collected. They can be found at the same level as 125 and also at the same level as 175. Below is a map of where you can find each of the Big Vortexs:

Morheim Ice Fortress Big Vortex Locations

Once your skill reaches 175, you will need to collect from the Big Vortexs even higher up. This can be quite tedious since most of your time will be spent flying. But, anyway below is a picture of where you can find all Big Vortexs that require 175 skill:

Morheim Ice Fortress Big Vortex Locations

Once your skill reaches 200 you will want to take your butt right on over to Beluslan. Here there will be MUCH less competition then anything you've had to deal with before, mainly because the Vortex's are along the outside of the Fortress which is a much more spread out area.