Asmodian Leveling Guide - The Southern Island (39-40)
The Southern most island in The Abyss has quite a few different leveling areas available to it. Many of these areas are good for leveling and good for Farming. I will say this island is more geared towards the Asmodian Faction but Elyos will find this to be a good place to level up and farm as well. Below is a map detailing each of the different locations you can find on this island. Below the map is a explanation of each of these locations.
White - Asmodian Camp
Red - Level 40 Elementals
Blue - Level 40 Balaur
Green - Krotan Klaws 40
Blue - Balaur
The two blue circles on my map are the areas you can find the Balaur on this island. The Balaur on this island are level 40. They are very easy to kill however you will need to watch out for the Mages that are mixed in with them. They are level 40 as well but have 4 white dots and anyone who encountered a normal mage knows what they can do. Let alone a even tougher mage.
The best thing about the Balaur is that they drop valuable items to create Balic Armor, Food, Weapons and more. The Balaur will also drop quite a bit of Kinah for you as well. The Balaur towards the upper part of the island is the safest place for Asmodians to kill them since it is so close to the Outpost. The safest part for Elyos is the southern Balaur.
Items of Interest
Balaur Crafting Materials:
Green - Krotan
The Krotan are a insect type of mob. They are the type of mob that populate this island the most. The Krotan are pretty squishy and spread out enough to the point of where you pull one its almost impossible for another one to walk into you. The only annoying part about the Krotan is that one of them stealth's when they get low on HP and you have to wait. You'll notice it in the video below.
Aside from the Annoying Stealth, the Krotan's don't do much of anything else that sucks. Also another upside to the Krotans are there are quite a few repeatable quests in The Abyss that require you to kill the Krotans, or some sort of Klaw mob.
Red - Fire Elementals
The final place on this island for you to level up is the Fire Elementals. Granted this is the worst possible camp on the island but they are, indeed there. For Asmodians there is a quest to kill 10 of the Fire Elementals, this is really the only reason I'd recommend killing them. Soo, yeah. Enjoy the video =P