Everquest - Defiant Gear
While leveling up in Everquest, Defiant Gear is some of the best gear to use & best gear to sell in The Bazaar to make some cash. Almost every enemy in the game starting from level 1 to about level 80 can drop some sort of Defiant Gear. For the first 50 levels, there's only some gear better than Defiant Gear - the twink gear that comes from Velious/Luclin/Kunark expansions is what mainly comes to mind. On FV there's more options since all gear is droppable.
Though, even on Firiona Vie - there's a very active market for Defiant Gear due to how well known it is and how good it is. Typically I only loot Intricate Defiant gear since this set of defiant gear sells 2 maybe 3 times better than any other set. I also only loot armor because the weapons don't really sell that well at all in comparison to the armor.
The reason that Intricate Defiant Gear sells so well is because it's the primary gear that people buy to create twink characters which take out Lord Nagafen/Lady Vox & other lower level raid targets with a level requirement. You'll definitely still be able to sell the rest of the Defiant Gear, just not for as much.
List of Defiant Gear:
Each piece of Crude Defiant Gear usually sells for about 25 to 100pp each. It's very expensive for low level players looking to gear up, the prices of the gear pretty much imply that the only people buying it are people looking to level twinks. Since you blow through the Crude Defiant levels so quick I save any of this gear that I get and sell it. I'd much rather have the couple hundred plat than a crappy piece of gear for a dozen or so levels.
Much like Crude Defiant Gear, Simple Defiant Gear sells on average for about 25 to 150pp. It is once again insanely expensive for lower level players looking to gear up. So, once again what I recommend you do is hold onto any of this gear that you find and sell it in The Bazaar. The couple hundred plat will benefit you much more than a mediocre piece of gear will for a few levels.
Rough Defiant Gear actually is the first set of Defiant that is reasonably priced for your level. I normally see each piece going for 50 to 150pp each which is about the same as the Simple Defiant Gear, just this is much better. The only pieces of Rough Defiant that are ever expensive are the chest pieces, leggings and sometimes sleeves. If you are a Free to Play player and are constantly getting your butt handed to you it might be worth it to pick up a few of these in The Bazaar if they're cheap to fill in the slots where you have nothing equipped.
Ornate Defiant Gear takes a major jump in price compared to the Rough Defiant Gear previous to it. Each piece of Ornate will go for 125/200 - 450pp depending on your server. The reason it goes up in price here is because this is the level range in which most people start looking for some gear so they don't die so much in the harder zones that start coming up. The chest, sleeves and leggings of the Ornate Defiant Gear will all sell for the most.
For that reason I recommend you hold onto some of the visible pieces (chest, leggings, sleeves) and try to sell them in The Bazaar if you have a Gold Membership. Other pieces like the bracers, charm, gloves, boots, helm and weapons you can feel free to equip as they aren't really worth trying to sell as they are the ones that go for the least amount of plat.
Flawed Defiant takes another big price jump and starts going for 150 - 750 per piece depending on what piece it is. As aformentioned with the previous defiant sets I recommend you hold onto the chest, sleeves and leggings to try and sell while you just equip the other pieces that you find. Doing it like this will give you good enough gear to level extremely fast and a lot more plat than you could get by not doing this.
If you do not have a Gold Membership then you will be unable to run a trader and sell anything. I recommend you hold onto the items until you do become a subscriber or just equip them if you don't think you're ever going to purchase a subscribtion.
Intricate Defiant Gear is the most expensive set of Defiant Gear that players can buy. The reason for this is because Intricate Defiant Gear is the best gear players can use that specifically make alts for farming Lord Nagafen and Lady Vox. These two raid bosses can not be attacked by anyone whom is over the level of 52 which makes it extremely important that the people farming this boss have the absolute best possible gear they can for their level. Since there are always new people wanting to try this the prices of Intricate Defiant Gear are through the roof of almost all servers.
Each piece of Intricate Defiant Gear will usually cost the player 500 - 2000pp, sometimes even more if it is a piece like the Breastplate or Leggings. I actually don't recommend you use any of the Intricate Defiant Gear and you sell every piece you find. Selling this gear will make you an insane amount of money and you level through this level range so quickly you won't even notice a difference without the gear.
Despite it being a higher level than the Intricate Defiant Gear and being better in everyway, Elaborate Defiant Gear sells for about as much as Flawed Defiant does. As I mentioned with the Intricate Gear; that was the best selling Defiant you will come across. The only other two sets after it (Elaborate and Elegant) don't even come close to being as profitable. Which is good when it comes to gearing up, ~10k will get you a full set of Elaborate Defiant and Elegant Defiant Gear.
But when you find extra pieces of this gear while either farming or leveling it kinda blows as you won't net that huge of a profit from them. A couple hundred pp per piece is nice but once this gear becomes a common drop for you a couple hundred plat is pretty much nothing. The chest, leggings and sleeve pieces of gear are the ones that will net you a pretty nice income but regardless they still require a Gold Membership if you plan to sell them in The Bazaar.
Despite it being a higher level than the Intricate Defiant Gear and being better in everyway, Elaborate Defiant Gear sells for about as much as Flawed Defiant does. As I mentioned with the Intricate Gear; that was the best selling Defiant you will come across. The only other two sets after it (Elaborate and Elegant) don't even come close to being as profitable. Which is good when it comes to gearing up, ~10k will get you a full set of Elaborate Defiant and Elegant Defiant Gear.
But when you find extra pieces of this gear while either farming or leveling it kinda blows as you won't net that huge of a profit from them. A couple hundred pp per piece is nice but once this gear becomes a common drop for you a couple hundred plat is pretty much nothing. The chest, leggings and sleeve pieces of gear are the ones that will net you a pretty nice income but regardless they still require a Gold Membership if you plan to sell them in The Bazaar.