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Please note that Everquest is based around grouping. Leveling for you will be significantly harder if you do not group.

Grouping in Everquest is much different than other games out there. The game that is very similar to EQ when grouping is FFXI. In Everquest you hang back and have someone pull mobs to your group. The group will then kill the mob and the puller goes and finds another. It's a very basic system and sounds less interesting than it really is.

A group generally consists of a Healer, a Tank, two DPS and a puller. You don't always need this setup, but it is the preferred one. You may want to keep in mind that there are "Dungeon Crawls" in EQ, just not as common as they would be in WoW or other games similar to WoW. Below is a list of all of the classes and the average chance of them finding groups, also listed is there group roll.


Role: Support
Desirability: Average


Role: DPS
Desirability: Average/Low


Role: DPS
Desirability: Average


Role: Healer
Desirability: Very High


Role: Healer/DPS
Desirability: Average/High


Role: Crowd Control
Desirability: High/Average


Role: Crowd Control
Desirability: Average/High


Role: Puller
Desirability: High/Average


Role: DPS
Desirability: Average/Low


Role: Tank
Desirability: Average/High


Role: Puller/DPS
Desirability: Average/High


Role: DPS
Desirability: Average/Low


Role: Tank
Desirability: Average/High


Role: DPS/Slower
Desirability: Average/High


Role: Tank
Desirability: Average/High


Role: DPS
Desirability: Average/High

Even if the class has a low chance of getting into a group, if you're guilded (and of course they like you) your chance of getting a group is almost 100%. Having said that there is an alternative option if you have some extra money, and of course your computer can handle it, boxing.


This is Everquests terminology for playing more then one account at once. This is widely known and very commonly done. Due to Everquests age, you don't need the best computer in order to do this, but you do need some multi-tasking skills and Coordination. Especially when you box more then just 1 account.

The easiest way to lessen the load on your computer while boxing is to go into your ""options and put EQ in windowed mode"". This will allow you a much easier time alt tabbing between both accounts. Also if you have trouble running both accounts close all programs that you're not currently using (AIM, Limewire, Torrent, Internet etc etc). This should help reduce the strain on your computer of running two EQ's.

If the above doesn't help, then lower all in game graphics and especially spell detail. I have a very good Alienware computer and in a raid with spell detail up it still eats my FPS.

Tips and Strategies

If you're new to boxing, and want to jump right in there are a few things you should know first. Boxing isn't built around some classes. Of course you can box with any combination but some, it will obviously be harder then others. For example if you're boxing two necro's in a place that the pets aren't able to tank and you try to kite with box of them. You're going to run into some difficulty. The optimum boxing duo's are Tank and healer, healer and dps.

The reason behind this is because its much easier to box a healer then any other class. You only have to turn to them for a heal rather then turn to say a wizard to constantly nuke the target.

One main thing when boxing that you have to watch out for is something getting on your box. If you're somewhere where you can get respawn's, then this can really suck if you're in the middle of a pull. When you're first starting out, even without boxing try to play it safe, Collect some AA's then move in to harder areas.

Things To Keep In Mind

Just because you're one person doesn't mean you can't roll on loot for both of your classes. Say you're boxing a Warrior (Tank) and Shaman (Slower and Healer), and a new shield drops for your warrior. You win the roll for it, and two hours later a new chest drops that your Shaman can use. Don't feel greedy rolling on this as well, you've been doing the majority of the work for the group (Healer, Slower and Tank).

Also, along with that rule, another one that is a minor contradiction. The world does not revolve around you. What I mean by this is if a DPS is looking for a group, give him a shot, its someone to talk to if not more overall XPfor you.


Q: If I play a healer am I practically guaranteed groups?

A: Absolutely not. You're never actually "Guaranteed" a group but as a healer you have a pretty darn good chance of getting a group.

Q: What do you recommend I play?

A: Play what you want, if you enjoy DPS'ing play a DPS class, if you enjoy healing, Heal. EQ has 14 classes for you to experiment with. The first class you decide on probably won't be the class you enjoy the most. To see more about each of the classes click here to view my class guide.